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1: Viewing DLMF Interactive 3D Graphics
Note that some VRML/X3D browsers are not capable of handling the complex files necessary for our visualizations. …
2: 27.18 Methods of Computation: Primes
The ECPP (Elliptic Curve Primality Proving) algorithm handles primes with over 20,000 digits. …
3: 21.7 Riemann Surfaces
Removing the singularities of this curve gives rise to a two-dimensional connected manifold with a complex-analytic structure, that is, a Riemann surface. All compact Riemann surfaces can be obtained this way. Since a Riemann surface Γ is a two-dimensional manifold that is orientable (owing to its analytic structure), its only topological invariant is its genus g (the number of handles in the surface). On this surface, we choose 2 g cycles (that is, closed oriented curves, each with at most a finite number of singular points) a j , b j , j = 1 , 2 , , g , such that their intersection indices satisfy …
4: 2.4 Contour Integrals
Cases in which p ( t 0 ) 0 are usually handled by deforming the integration path in such a way that the minimum of ( z p ( t ) ) is attained at a saddle point or at an endpoint. …
5: 2.7 Differential Equations
The exceptional case f 0 2 = 4 g 0 is handled by Fabry’s transformation: …