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1: 20.11 Generalizations and Analogs
§20.11(iv) Theta Functions with Characteristics
Multidimensional theta functions with characteristics are defined in §21.2(ii) and their properties are described in §§21.3(ii), 21.5(ii), and 21.6. …
2: Bibliography L
  • P. W. Lawrence, R. M. Corless, and D. J. Jeffrey (2012) Algorithm 917: complex double-precision evaluation of the Wright ω function. ACM Trans. Math. Software 38 (3), pp. Art. 20, 17.
  • W. R. Leeb (1979) Algorithm 537: Characteristic values of Mathieu’s differential equation. ACM Trans. Math. Software 5 (1), pp. 112–117.
  • D. J. Leeming (1977) An asymptotic estimate for the Bernoulli and Euler numbers. Canad. Math. Bull. 20 (1), pp. 109–111.
  • 3: 28.16 Asymptotic Expansions for Large q
    §28.16 Asymptotic Expansions for Large q
    28.16.1 λ ν ( h 2 ) 2 h 2 + 2 s h 1 8 ( s 2 + 1 ) 1 2 7 h ( s 3 + 3 s ) 1 2 12 h 2 ( 5 s 4 + 34 s 2 + 9 ) 1 2 17 h 3 ( 33 s 5 + 410 s 3 + 405 s ) 1 2 20 h 4 ( 63 s 6 + 1260 s 4 + 2943 s 2 + 486 ) 1 2 25 h 5 ( 527 s 7 + 15617 s 5 + 69001 s 3 + 41607 s ) + .
    4: Bibliography N
  • D. Naylor (1989) On an integral transform involving a class of Mathieu functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (6), pp. 1500–1513.
  • National Bureau of Standards (1967) Tables Relating to Mathieu Functions: Characteristic Values, Coefficients, and Joining Factors. 2nd edition, National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics Series, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C..
  • W. J. Nellis and B. C. Carlson (1966) Reduction and evaluation of elliptic integrals. Math. Comp. 20 (94), pp. 223–231.
  • E. W. Ng and M. Geller (1969) A table of integrals of the error functions. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect B. 73B, pp. 1–20.
  • 5: 28.35 Tables
    §28.35 Tables
  • Ince (1932) includes eigenvalues a n , b n , and Fourier coefficients for n = 0 or 1 ( 1 ) 6 , q = 0 ( 1 ) 10 ( 2 ) 20 ( 4 ) 40 ; 7D. Also ce n ( x , q ) , se n ( x , q ) for q = 0 ( 1 ) 10 , x = 1 ( 1 ) 90 , corresponding to the eigenvalues in the tables; 5D. Notation: a n = 𝑏𝑒 n 2 q , b n = 𝑏𝑜 n 2 q .

  • Kirkpatrick (1960) contains tables of the modified functions Ce n ( x , q ) , Se n + 1 ( x , q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 5 , q = 1 ( 1 ) 20 , x = 0.1 ( .1 ) 1 ; 4D or 5D.

  • National Bureau of Standards (1967) includes the eigenvalues a n ( q ) , b n ( q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 3 with q = 0 ( .2 ) 20 ( .5 ) 37 ( 1 ) 100 , and n = 4 ( 1 ) 15 with q = 0 ( 2 ) 100 ; Fourier coefficients for ce n ( x , q ) and se n ( x , q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 , n = 1 ( 1 ) 15 , respectively, and various values of q in the interval [ 0 , 100 ] ; joining factors g e , n ( q ) , f e , n ( q ) for n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 with q = 0 ( .5  to  10 ) 100 (but in a different notation). Also, eigenvalues for large values of q . Precision is generally 8D.

  • Blanch and Clemm (1969) includes eigenvalues a n ( q ) , b n ( q ) for q = ρ e i ϕ , ρ = 0 ( .5 ) 25 , ϕ = 5 ( 5 ) 90 , n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 ; 4D. Also a n ( q ) and b n ( q ) for q = i ρ , ρ = 0 ( .5 ) 100 , n = 0 ( 2 ) 14 and n = 2 ( 2 ) 16 , respectively; 8D. Double points for n = 0 ( 1 ) 15 ; 8D. Graphs are included.

  • 6: 28.8 Asymptotic Expansions for Large q
    §28.8 Asymptotic Expansions for Large q
    28.8.1 a m ( h 2 ) b m + 1 ( h 2 ) } 2 h 2 + 2 s h 1 8 ( s 2 + 1 ) 1 2 7 h ( s 3 + 3 s ) 1 2 12 h 2 ( 5 s 4 + 34 s 2 + 9 ) 1 2 17 h 3 ( 33 s 5 + 410 s 3 + 405 s ) 1 2 20 h 4 ( 63 s 6 + 1260 s 4 + 2943 s 2 + 486 ) 1 2 25 h 5 ( 527 s 7 + 15617 s 5 + 69001 s 3 + 41607 s ) + .
    7: Bibliography F
  • FDLIBM (free C library)
  • S. Fempl (1960) Sur certaines sommes des intégral-cosinus. Bull. Soc. Math. Phys. Serbie 12, pp. 13–20 (French).
  • H. E. Fettis and J. C. Caslin (1964) Tables of Elliptic Integrals of the First, Second, and Third Kind. Technical report Technical Report ARL 64-232, Aerospace Research Laboratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
  • G. Freud (1969) On weighted polynomial approximation on the whole real axis. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar. 20, pp. 223–225.
  • Y. Fukui and T. Horiguchi (1992) Characteristic values of the integral equation satisfied by the Mathieu functions and its application to a system with chirality-pair interaction on a one-dimensional lattice. Phys. A 190 (3-4), pp. 346–362.
  • 8: 28.1 Special Notation
    λ ν ( q ) .
    Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 20)
    9: Bibliography
  • M. J. Ablowitz and H. Segur (1977) Exact linearization of a Painlevé transcendent. Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (20), pp. 1103–1106.
  • A. Adelberg (1992) On the degrees of irreducible factors of higher order Bernoulli polynomials. Acta Arith. 62 (4), pp. 329–342.
  • S. V. Aksenov, M. A. Savageau, U. D. Jentschura, J. Becher, G. Soff, and P. J. Mohr (2003) Application of the combined nonlinear-condensation transformation to problems in statistical analysis and theoretical physics. Comput. Phys. Comm. 150 (1), pp. 1–20.
  • F. Alhargan and S. Judah (1992) Frequency response characteristics of the multiport planar elliptic patch. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech. 40 (8), pp. 1726–1730.
  • D. E. Amos (1989) Repeated integrals and derivatives of K Bessel functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (1), pp. 169–175.
  • 10: Bibliography B
  • G. Backenstoss (1970) Pionic atoms. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 20, pp. 467–508.
  • K. L. Bell and N. S. Scott (1980) Coulomb functions (negative energies). Comput. Phys. Comm. 20 (3), pp. 447–458.
  • G. Blanch and D. S. Clemm (1969) Mathieu’s Equation for Complex Parameters. Tables of Characteristic Values. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C..
  • G. Blanch and I. Rhodes (1955) Table of characteristic values of Mathieu’s equation for large values of the parameter. J. Washington Acad. Sci. 45 (6), pp. 166–196.
  • W. Bühring (1994) The double confluent Heun equation: Characteristic exponent and connection formulae. Methods Appl. Anal. 1 (3), pp. 348–370.