with respect to modulus
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1—10 of 222 matching pages
1: 19.13 Integrals of Elliptic Integrals
§19.13(i) Integration with Respect to the Modulus
…2: 22.13 Derivatives and Differential Equations
3: 10.68 Modulus and Phase Functions
§10.68 Modulus and Phase Functions
►§10.68(i) Definitions
… ►where , , , and are continuous real functions of and , with the branches of and chosen to satisfy (10.68.18) and (10.68.21) as . … ►Equations (10.68.8)–(10.68.14) also hold with the symbols , , , and replaced throughout by , , , and , respectively. … ►10)), and (Eqs. …4: 19.4 Derivatives and Differential Equations
5: 7.23 Tables
Zhang and Jin (1996, pp. 638, 640–641) includes the real and imaginary parts of , , , 7D and 8D, respectively; the real and imaginary parts of , , , 8D, together with the corresponding modulus and phase to 8D and 6D (degrees), respectively.
6: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
►The functions are orthogonal on the set , , with respect to the weight function , in the sense that
7: 8.1 Special Notation
►Unless otherwise indicated, primes denote derivatives with respect to the argument.
►Alternative notations include: Prym’s functions
, , Nielsen (1906a, pp. 25–26), Batchelder (1967, p. 63); , , Dingle (1973); , , Magnus et al. (1966); , , Luke (1975).
real variable. | |
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8: 15.1 Special Notation
►Unless indicated otherwise primes denote derivatives with respect to the variable.
real variable. | |
… | |
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9: 13.8 Asymptotic Approximations for Large Parameters
►For asymptotic approximations to
and as that hold uniformly with respect to
and bounded positive values of , combine (13.14.4), (13.14.5) with §§13.21(ii), 13.21(iii).