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1: 34.10 Zeros
►Such zeros are called trivial zeros.
2: 25.10 Zeros
§25.10(i) Distribution
… ►These are called the trivial zeros. Except for the trivial zeros, for . …3: 25.15 Dirichlet -functions
►Since if , (25.15.5) shows that for a primitive character the only zeros of for (the so-called trivial zeros) are as follows:
4: 24.16 Generalizations
►Let be the trivial character and the unique (nontrivial) character with ; that is, , , .
5: Bibliography
Note on the trivial zeros of Dirichlet -functions.
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 94 (1), pp. 29–30.
6: 18.33 Polynomials Orthogonal on the Unit Circle
…7: 18.18 Sums