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1: 22.19 Physical Applications
§22.19(iv) Tops
…2: 16.2 Definition and Analytic Properties
►Suppose first one or more of the top parameters is a nonpositive integer.
►However, when one or more of the top parameters is a nonpositive integer the series terminates and the generalized hypergeometric function is a polynomial in .
3: 18.40 Methods of Computation
►The bottom and top of the steps at the are lower and upper bounds to as made explicit via the Chebyshev inequalities discussed by Shohat and Tamarkin (1970, pp. 42–43).
4: Bibliography
Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems.
Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, Vol. 51, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
5: 16.4 Argument Unity
►The last condition is equivalent to the sum of the top parameters plus equals the sum of the bottom parameters, that is, the series is 2-balanced.
6: 18.27 -Hahn Class
►The generic (top level) cases are the -Hahn polynomials and the big -Jacobi polynomials, each of which depends on three further parameters.