threej symbols
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1: 34.2 Definition: Symbol
§34.2 Definition: Symbol
►The quantities in the symbol are called angular momenta. …They therefore satisfy the triangle conditions …The corresponding projective quantum numbers are given by … ►When both conditions are satisfied the symbol can be expressed as the finite sum …2: 34.10 Zeros
§34.10 Zeros
►In a symbol, if the three angular momenta do not satisfy the triangle conditions (34.2.1), or if the projective quantum numbers do not satisfy (34.2.3), then the symbol is zero. Similarly the symbol (34.4.1) vanishes when the triangle conditions are not satisfied by any of the four symbols in the summation. …However, the and symbols may vanish for certain combinations of the angular momenta and projective quantum numbers even when the triangle conditions are fulfilled. …3: 34.3 Basic Properties: Symbol
§34.3 Basic Properties: Symbol
… ►§34.3(ii) Symmetry
… ►§34.3(iv) Orthogonality
… ►§34.3(vi) Sums
… ►4: 34.14 Tables
§34.14 Tables
►Tables of exact values of the squares of the and symbols in which all parameters are are given in Rotenberg et al. (1959), together with a bibliography of earlier tables of , and symbols on pp. … ►Tables of and symbols in which all parameters are are given in Appel (1968) to 6D. …Other tabulations for symbols are listed on pp. …5: 34.13 Methods of Computation
§34.13 Methods of Computation
►Methods of computation for and symbols include recursion relations, see Schulten and Gordon (1975a), Luscombe and Luban (1998), and Edmonds (1974, pp. 42–45, 48–51, 97–99); summation of single-sum expressions for these symbols, see Varshalovich et al. (1988, §§8.2.6, 9.2.1) and Fang and Shriner (1992); evaluation of the generalized hypergeometric functions of unit argument that represent these symbols, see Srinivasa Rao and Venkatesh (1978) and Srinivasa Rao (1981). …6: 34.9 Graphical Method
§34.9 Graphical Method
… ►For specific examples of the graphical method of representing sums involving the , and symbols, see Varshalovich et al. (1988, Chapters 11, 12) and Lehman and O’Connell (1973, §3.3).7: 34.1 Special Notation
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the Wigner
symbols, respectively,
►An often used alternative to the
symbol is the Clebsch–Gordan coefficient
nonnegative integers. | |
… |
►For other notations for , ,
symbols, see Edmonds (1974, pp. 52, 97, 104–105) and Varshalovich et al. (1988, §§8.11, 9.10, 10.10).
8: 34.12 Physical Applications
§34.12 Physical Applications
►The angular momentum coupling coefficients (, , and symbols) are essential in the fields of nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics. …, and symbols are also found in multipole expansions of solutions of the Laplace and Helmholtz equations; see Carlson and Rushbrooke (1950) and Judd (1976).9: 34.6 Definition: Symbol
symbol may be defined either in terms of
symbols or equivalently in terms of