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1: Bibliography M
  • A. J. MacLeod (1996b) Rational approximations, software and test methods for sine and cosine integrals. Numer. Algorithms 12 (3-4), pp. 259–272.
  • N. W. McLachlan (1934) Loud Speakers: Theory, Performance, Testing and Design. Oxford University Press, New York.
  • Fr. Mechel (1966) Calculation of the modified Bessel functions of the second kind with complex argument. Math. Comp. 20 (95), pp. 407–412.
  • D. S. Moak (1981) The q -analogue of the Laguerre polynomials. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 81 (1), pp. 20–47.
  • J. Morris (1969) Algorithm 346: F-test probabilities [S14]. Comm. ACM 12 (3), pp. 184–185.
  • 2: Bibliography B
  • A. Bañuelos and R. A. Depine (1980) A program for computing the Riemann zeta function for complex argument. Comput. Phys. Comm. 20 (3), pp. 441–445.
  • K. L. Bell and N. S. Scott (1980) Coulomb functions (negative energies). Comput. Phys. Comm. 20 (3), pp. 447–458.
  • D. K. Bhaumik and S. K. Sarkar (2002) On the power function of the likelihood ratio test for MANOVA. J. Multivariate Anal. 82 (2), pp. 416–421.
  • S. Bochner (1952) Bessel functions and modular relations of higher type and hyperbolic differential equations. Comm. Sém. Math. Univ. Lund [Medd. Lunds Univ. Mat. Sem.] 1952 (Tome Supplementaire), pp. 12–20.
  • D. M. Bressoud (1989) Factorization and Primality Testing. Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • 3: Bibliography P
  • E. Pairman (1919) Tables of Digamma and Trigamma Functions. In Tracts for Computers, No. 1, K. Pearson (Ed.),
  • R. B. Paris (2002c) Exponential asymptotics of the Mittag-Leffler function. Proc. Roy. Soc. London Ser. A 458, pp. 3041–3052.
  • M. D. Perlman and I. Olkin (1980) Unbiasedness of invariant tests for MANOVA and other multivariate problems. Ann. Statist. 8 (6), pp. 1326–1341.
  • R. Piessens (1982) Automatic computation of Bessel function integrals. Comput. Phys. Comm. 25 (3), pp. 289–295.
  • Prime Pages (website)
  • 4: Software Index
    Open Source With Book Commercial
    20 Theta Functions
    ‘✓’ indicates that a software package implements the functions in a section; ‘a’ indicates available functionality through optional or add-on packages; an empty space indicates no known support. … In the list below we identify four main sources of software for computing special functions. …
  • Commercial Software.

    Such software ranges from a collection of reusable software parts (e.g., a library) to fully functional interactive computing environments with an associated computing language. Such software is usually professionally developed, tested, and maintained to high standards. It is available for purchase, often with accompanying updates and consulting support.

  • The following are web-based software repositories with significant holdings in the area of special functions. …
    5: Bibliography K
  • R. B. Kearfott, M. Dawande, K. Du, and C. Hu (1994) Algorithm 737: INTLIB: A portable Fortran 77 interval standard-function library. ACM Trans. Math. Software 20 (4), pp. 447–459.
  • M. K. Kerimov (1980) Methods of computing the Riemann zeta-function and some generalizations of it. USSR Comput. Math. and Math. Phys. 20 (6), pp. 212–230.
  • A. V. Kitaev and A. H. Vartanian (2004) Connection formulae for asymptotics of solutions of the degenerate third Painlevé equation. I. Inverse Problems 20 (4), pp. 1165–1206.
  • T. H. Koornwinder (2009) The Askey scheme as a four-manifold with corners. Ramanujan J. 20 (3), pp. 409–439.
  • M. D. Kruskal and P. A. Clarkson (1992) The Painlevé-Kowalevski and poly-Painlevé tests for integrability. Stud. Appl. Math. 86 (2), pp. 87–165.
  • 6: Bibliography G
  • W. Gautschi (1994) Algorithm 726: ORTHPOL — a package of routines for generating orthogonal polynomials and Gauss-type quadrature rules. ACM Trans. Math. Software 20 (1), pp. 21–62.
  • A. Gil, J. Segura, and N. M. Temme (2014) Algorithm 939: computation of the Marcum Q-function. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 40 (3), pp. 20:1–20:21.
  • S. Goldstein (1927) Mathieu functions. Trans. Camb. Philos. Soc. 23, pp. 303–336.
  • Ya. I. Granovskiĭ, I. M. Lutzenko, and A. S. Zhedanov (1992) Mutual integrability, quadratic algebras, and dynamical symmetry. Ann. Phys. 217 (1), pp. 1–20.
  • P. Groeneboom and D. R. Truax (2000) A monotonicity property of the power function of multivariate tests. Indag. Math. (N.S.) 11 (2), pp. 209–218.
  • 7: Bibliography C
  • R. Chelluri, L. B. Richmond, and N. M. Temme (2000) Asymptotic estimates for generalized Stirling numbers. Analysis (Munich) 20 (1), pp. 1–13.
  • W. J. Cody (1993a) Algorithm 714: CELEFUNT – A portable test package for complex elementary functions. ACM Trans. Math. Software 19 (1), pp. 1–21.
  • W. J. Cody (1993b) Algorithm 715: SPECFUN – A portable FORTRAN package of special function routines and test drivers. ACM Trans. Math. Software 19 (1), pp. 22–32.
  • M. Colman, A. Cuyt, and J. Van Deun (2011) Validated computation of certain hypergeometric functions. ACM Trans. Math. Software 38 (2), pp. Art. 11, 20.
  • M. D. Cooper, R. H. Jeppesen, and M. B. Johnson (1979) Coulomb effects in the Klein-Gordon equation for pions. Phys. Rev. C 20 (2), pp. 696–704.
  • 8: Bibliography N
  • D. Naylor (1989) On an integral transform involving a class of Mathieu functions. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 20 (6), pp. 1500–1513.
  • W. J. Nellis and B. C. Carlson (1966) Reduction and evaluation of elliptic integrals. Math. Comp. 20 (94), pp. 223–231.
  • E. W. Ng and M. Geller (1969) A table of integrals of the error functions. J. Res. Nat. Bur. Standards Sect B. 73B, pp. 1–20.
  • N. E. Nørlund (1955) Hypergeometric functions. Acta Math. 94, pp. 289–349.
  • Number Theory Web (website)