symbolic operations
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1: 24.4 Basic Properties
§24.4(viii) Symbolic Operations
…2: 34.9 Graphical Method
►The graphical method establishes a one-to-one correspondence between an analytic expression and a diagram by assigning a graphical symbol to each function and operation of the analytic expression.
3: 1.17 Integral and Series Representations of the Dirac Delta
►This is a symbolic function with the properties:
…Such a sequence is called a delta sequence and we write, symbolically,
►In the language of physics and applied mathematics, these equations indicate the normalizations chosen for these non- improper eigenfunctions of the differential operators (with derivatives respect to spatial co-ordinates) which generate them; the normalizations (1.17.12_1) and (1.17.12_2) are explicitly derived in Friedman (1990, Ch. 4), the others follow similarly.
4: Guide to Searching the DLMF
►Search queries are made up of terms, textual phrases, and math expressions, combined with Boolean operators:
Boolean operator:
proximity operator:
a textual word, a number, or a math symbol.
and and or
adj, prec/n, and near/n, where n is any positive natural number.
Math Symbols
…5: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
►A further operator, the so-called Casimir operator
Dunkl Type Operators and Nonsymmetric Orthogonal Polynomials
►The Dunkl operator, introduced by Dunkl (1989), is an operator associated with reflection groups or root systems which has terms involving first order partial derivatives and reflection terms. … ►In the one-variable case the Dunkl operator eigenvalue equation … …6: 17.6 Function
7: 18.42 Software
►Also included is a website (CAOP) operated by a university department.
►A more complete list of available software for computing these functions, and for generating formulas symbolically, is found in the Software Index.
8: 17.2 Calculus
9: 26.22 Software
►Also included are websites operated by university departments and consortia, research institutions, and peer-reviewed journals.
Inverse Symbolic Calculator (website).
10: About MathML
►As a general rule, using the latest available version of your chosen browser, plugins and an updated operating system is helpful.
►Since the display of mathematics involves many special symbols not often seen in plain text, a MathML renderer generally needs special fonts.
►For other browsers, you may see a ? or a box like indicating missing symbols, and thus insufficient fonts.