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spherical triangles


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1: 4.42 Solution of Triangles
§4.42 Solution of Triangles
§4.42(iii) Spherical Triangles
See accompanying text
Figure 4.42.3: Spherical triangle. Magnify
2: 15.17 Mathematical Applications
The quotient of two solutions of (15.10.1) maps the closed upper half-plane z 0 conformally onto a curvilinear triangle. … First, as spherical functions on noncompact Riemannian symmetric spaces of rank one, but also as associated spherical functions, intertwining functions, matrix elements of SL ( 2 , ) , and spherical functions on certain nonsymmetric Gelfand pairs. …
3: 18.1 Notation
  • Legendre: P n ( x ) .

  • Shifted Legendre: P n ( x ) .

  • Triangle: P m , n α , β , γ ( x , y ) .