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  • 5: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    This indicates that the Laguerre polynomials appearing in (18.39.29) are not classical OP’s, and in fact, even though infinite in number for fixed l , do not form a complete set. … The solution, (18.39.29), of the spherical radial equation (18.39.28), now expressed in terms of the Bohr quantum number n , is … The same solutions as in paragraph c), above, appear frequently in the literature in terms of associated Laguerre polynomials, which are referred to here as associated Coulomb–Laguerre polynomials to avoid confusion with the more recent meaning of ‘associated’ of §18.30. … These same solutions are expressed here in terms of Laguerre and Pollaczek OP’s. … For interpretations of zeros of classical OP’s as equilibrium positions of charges in electrostatic problems (assuming logarithmic interaction), see Ismail (2000a, b).
    6: Bibliography M
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