►The symbols, or Clebsch–Gordan coefficients, play an important role in the decomposition of reducible representations of the rotation group into irreducible representations.
They can be expressed as functions with unit argument.
…These are balanced functions with unit argument.
Lastly, special cases of the symbols are functions with unit argument.
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With 1 Macintosh floppy disk (3.5 inch; DD).
Programs for the calculation of symbols
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►The Coulomb functions given in this chapter are most commonly evaluated for real values of , , , and nonnegative integer values of , but they may be continued analytically to complex arguments and order as indicated in §33.13.
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►►►Figure 22.19.1: Jacobi’s amplitude function for and .
When , increases monotonically indicating that the motion of the pendulum is unbounded in , corresponding to free rotation about the fulcrum; compare Figure 22.16.1.
►The classical rotation of rigid bodies in free space or about a fixed point may be described in terms of elliptic, or hyperelliptic, functions if the motion is integrable (Audin (1999, Chapter 1)).
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