representations as sums of powers
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1: 24.4 Basic Properties
§24.4(iii) Sums of Powers
…2: 5.19 Mathematical Applications
►As shown in Temme (1996b, §3.4), the results given in §5.7(ii) can be used to sum infinite series of rational functions.
►Many special functions can be represented as a Mellin–Barnes
integral, that is, an integral of a product of gamma functions, reciprocals of gamma functions, and a power of , the integration contour being doubly-infinite and eventually parallel to the imaginary axis at both ends.
…By translating the contour parallel to itself and summing the residues of the integrand, asymptotic expansions of for large , or small , can be obtained complete with an integral representation of the error term.
3: 11.9 Lommel Functions
►where , are arbitrary constants, is the Lommel function defined by
►For collections of integral representations and integrals see Apelblat (1983, §12.17), Babister (1967, p. 85), Erdélyi et al. (1954a, §§4.19 and 5.17), Gradshteyn and Ryzhik (2015, §6.86), Marichev (1983, p. 193), Oberhettinger (1972, pp. 127–128, 168–169, and 188–189), Oberhettinger (1974, §§1.12 and 2.7), Oberhettinger (1990, pp. 105–106 and 191–192), Oberhettinger and Badii (1973, §2.14), Prudnikov et al. (1990, §§1.6 and 2.9), Prudnikov et al. (1992a, §3.34), and Prudnikov et al. (1992b, §3.32).
4: 27.13 Functions
►Each representation of as a sum of elements of is called a partition of , and the number of such partitions is often of great interest.
►This problem is named after Edward Waring who, in 1770, stated without proof and with limited numerical evidence, that every positive integer is the sum of four squares, of nine cubes, of nineteen fourth powers, and so on.
►Hardy and Littlewood (1925) conjectures that when is not a power of 2, and that when is a power of 2, but the most that is known (in 2009) is for some constant .
§27.13(iv) Representation by Squares
… ►Mordell (1917) notes that is the coefficient of in the power-series expansion of the th power of the series for . …5: 1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable
►Analytic continuation is a powerful aid in establishing transformations or functional equations for complex variables, because it enables the problem to be reduced to: (a) deriving the transformation (or functional equation) with real variables; followed by (b) finding the domain on which the transformed function is analytic.
►(In other words is the coefficient of in the Laurent expansion of in powers of ; compare §1.10(iii).)
►Let have a converging power series expansion of the form
…Then is the generating function for the functions , which will automatically have an integral representation
►Many properties are a direct consequence of this representation: Taking the -derivative gives us
6: 16.11 Asymptotic Expansions
►Explicit representations for the coefficients are given in Volkmer (2023).
►It may be observed that represents the sum of the residues of the poles of the integrand in (16.5.1) at , , provided that these poles are all simple, that is, no two of the differ by an integer.
►Here the upper or lower signs are chosen according as lies in the upper or lower half-plane; in consequence, in the fractional powers (§4.2(iv)) of its phases are , respectively.
►Explicit representations for the coefficients are given in Volkmer and Wood (2014).
7: 7.17 Inverse Error Functions
§7.17(ii) Power Series
… ►
►For an alternative representation of (7.17.3) see Blair et al. (1976).
8: 9.12 Scorer Functions
9: 28.34 Methods of Computation
Solution of the systems of linear algebraic equations (28.4.5)–(28.4.8) and (28.14.4), with the conditions (28.4.9)–(28.4.12) and (28.14.5), by boundary-value methods (§3.6) to determine the Fourier coefficients. Subsequently, the Fourier series can be summed with the aid of Clenshaw’s algorithm (§3.11(ii)). See Meixner and Schäfke (1954, §2.87). This procedure can be combined with §28.34(ii)(d).