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relations to hyperbolic functions


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1: 4.28 Definitions and Periodicity
Relations to Trigonometric Functions
2: 10.39 Relations to Other Functions
§10.39 Relations to Other Functions
Elementary Functions
Parabolic Cylinder Functions
Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions and Hypergeometric Function
3: 19.10 Relations to Other Functions
§19.10 Relations to Other Functions
§19.10(i) Theta and Elliptic Functions
For relations of Legendre’s integrals to theta functions, Jacobian functions, and Weierstrass functions, see §§20.9(i), 22.15(ii), and 23.6(iv), respectively. …
§19.10(ii) Elementary Functions
For relations to the Gudermannian function gd ( x ) and its inverse gd 1 ( x ) 4.23(viii)), see (19.6.8) and …
4: 13.18 Relations to Other Functions
§13.18 Relations to Other Functions
§13.18(i) Elementary Functions
§13.18(iv) Parabolic Cylinder Functions
§13.18(v) Orthogonal Polynomials
Laguerre Polynomials
5: 22.16 Related Functions
22.16.8 am ( x , k ) = gd x 1 4 k 2 ( x sinh x cosh x ) sech x + O ( k 4 ) .
6: 28.32 Mathematical Applications
If the boundary conditions in a physical problem relate to the perimeter of an ellipse, then elliptical coordinates are convenient. … This leads to integral equations and an integral relation between the solutions of Mathieu’s equation (setting ζ = i ξ , z = η in (28.32.3)). … approaches the same value when ζ tends to the endpoints of . … Two conditions are used to determine A , B . …
7: 22.11 Fourier and Hyperbolic Series
§22.11 Fourier and Hyperbolic Series
In (22.11.7)–(22.11.12) the left-hand sides are replaced by their limiting values at the poles of the Jacobian functions. … A related hyperbolic series is
8: 14.19 Toroidal (or Ring) Functions
§14.19 Toroidal (or Ring) Functions
§14.19(i) Introduction
This form of the differential equation arises when Laplace’s equation is transformed into toroidal coordinates ( η , θ , ϕ ) , which are related to Cartesian coordinates ( x , y , z ) by …
§14.19(iv) Sums
§14.19(v) Whipple’s Formula for Toroidal Functions
9: 36.2 Catastrophes and Canonical Integrals
Normal Forms for Umbilic Catastrophes with Codimension K = 3
Canonical Integrals
Ψ 1 is related to the Airy function9.2): … … Addendum: For further special cases see §36.2(iv)
10: 15.9 Relations to Other Functions
§15.9 Relations to Other Functions
§15.9(i) Orthogonal Polynomials