relation to modified Mathieu functions
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1—10 of 18 matching pages
1: 28.20 Definitions and Basic Properties
2: 28.32 Mathematical Applications
§28.32 Mathematical Applications
►§28.32(i) Elliptical Coordinates and an Integral Relationship
… ► ►This leads to integral equations and an integral relation between the solutions of Mathieu’s equation (setting , in (28.32.3)). … ► …3: 28.8 Asymptotic Expansions for Large
§28.8(ii) Sips’ Expansions
… ►Barrett’s Expansions
►Barrett (1981) supplies asymptotic approximations for numerically satisfactory pairs of solutions of both Mathieu’s equation (28.2.1) and the modified Mathieu equation (28.20.1). … ►Subsequently the asymptotic solutions involving either elementary or Whittaker functions are identified in terms of the Floquet solutions (§28.12(ii)) and modified Mathieu functions (§28.20(iii)). … ►4: 28.34 Methods of Computation
§28.34(i) Characteristic Exponents
… ►§28.34(iv) Modified Mathieu Functions
►For the modified functions we have: … ►5: Bibliography V
An integral transform involving Heun functions and a related eigenvalue problem.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 17 (3), pp. 688–703.
Airy Functions and Applications to Physics.
Second edition, Imperial College Press, London.
Accurate calculation of the modified Mathieu functions of integer order.
Quart. Appl. Math. 65 (1), pp. 1–23.
Mathieu and Spheroidal Wave Functions: Fortran Programs for their Accurate Calculation
Integral relations for Lamé functions.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 13 (6), pp. 978–987.
6: Bibliography C
Table of integrals of squared Jacobian elliptic functions and reductions of related hypergeometric -functions.
Math. Comp. 75 (255), pp. 1309–1318.
Incomplete Hankel and modified Bessel functions: A class of special functions for electromagnetics.
IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation 52 (12), pp. 3373–3389.
Performance evaluation of programs related to the real gamma function.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 17 (1), pp. 46–54.
An efficient algorithm for the Hurwitz zeta and related functions.
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 225 (2), pp. 338–346.
Derivatives with respect to the degree and order of associated Legendre functions for using modified Bessel functions.
Integral Transforms Spec. Funct. 21 (7-8), pp. 581–588.
7: Bibliography T
Uniform asymptotic expansions of a class of integrals in terms of modified Bessel functions, with application to confluent hypergeometric functions.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (1), pp. 241–261.
The numerical computation of special functions by use of quadrature rules for saddle point integrals. II. Gamma functions, modified Bessel functions and parabolic cylinder functions.
Report TW 183/78
Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, Afdeling Toegepaste
Modified Bessel functions
and of real order and complex argument, to selected accuracy.
Comput. Phys. Comm. 47 (2-3), pp. 245–257.
Hyperspherical elliptic harmonics and their relation to the Heun equation.
Phys. Rev. A 63 (032510), pp. 1–8.
Special functions in phase space: Mathieu functions.
J. Phys. A 31 (31), pp. 6725–6739.
8: Errata
Source citations
Chapters 14 Legendre and Related Functions, 15 Hypergeometric Function
Equations (10.22.37), (10.22.38), (14.17.6)–(14.17.9)
Chapter 25 Zeta and Related Functions
Equations (28.28.21) and (28.28.22)
Specific source citations and proof metadata are now given for all equations in Chapter 25 Zeta and Related Functions.
The Kronecker delta symbols have been moved furthest to the right, as is common convention for orthogonality relations.
A number of additions and changes have been made to the metadata to reflect new and changed references as well as to how some equations have been derived.
Originally the prefactor and upper limit of integration in these two equations were given incorrectly as and .
Reported 2015-05-20 by Ruslan Kabasayev
9: Bibliography S
A code to evaluate modified Bessel functions based on the continued fraction method.
Comput. Phys. Comm. 105 (2-3), pp. 263–272.
Uniform asymptotic forms of modified Mathieu functions.
Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 20 (3), pp. 365–380.
Uniform asymptotic expansions of modified Mathieu functions.
J. Reine Angew. Math. 247, pp. 1–17.
Algorithm 721: MTIEU1 and MTIEU2: Two subroutines to compute eigenvalues and solutions to Mathieu’s differential equation for noninteger and integer order.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 19 (3), pp. 391–406.
Structure of avoided crossings for eigenvalues related to equations of Heun’s class.
J. Phys. A 30 (2), pp. 673–687.
10: Bibliography M
Chebyshev expansions for modified Struve and related functions.
Math. Comp. 60 (202), pp. 735–747.
Quadratic relations for confluent hypergeometric functions.
Tohoku Math. J. (2) 52 (4), pp. 489–513.
Uniform computation of the error function and other related functions.
Math. Comp. 25 (114), pp. 339–344.
Evaluation of complex logarithms and related functions.
SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 18 (4), pp. 744–750.
A new symmetry related to
for classical basic hypergeometric series.
Adv. in Math. 57 (1), pp. 71–90.