relation to infinite double series
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1: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
2: 25.16 Mathematical Applications
►which is related to the Riemann zeta function by
►The prime number theorem (27.2.3) is equivalent to the statement
►The Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the statement
is analytic for , and can be extended meromorphically into the half-plane for every positive integer by use of the relations
►Related results are:
3: 20.5 Infinite Products and Related Results
§20.5 Infinite Products and Related Results
… ►With the given conditions the infinite series in (20.5.10)–(20.5.13) converge absolutely and uniformly in compact sets in the -plane. … ►§20.5(iii) Double Products
… ►These double products are not absolutely convergent; hence the order of the limits is important. …4: Bibliography R
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6: 25.6 Integer Arguments
§25.6(i) Function Values
… ►
►For related results see Basu and Apostol (2000).
7: Bibliography S
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9: Bibliography I
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10: Bibliography V
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