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1: 29.2 Differential Equations
§29.2 Differential Equations
§29.2(i) Lamé’s Equation
§29.2(ii) Other Forms
For the Weierstrass function see §23.2(ii). …
2: 30.2 Differential Equations
§30.2 Differential Equations
§30.2(i) Spheroidal Differential Equation
With ζ = γ z Equation (30.2.1) changes toIf μ 2 = 1 4 , Equation (30.2.2) reduces to the Mathieu equation; see (28.2.1). …
3: 31.2 Differential Equations
§31.2 Differential Equations
§31.2(i) Heun’s Equation
§31.2(v) Heun’s Equation Automorphisms
Composite Transformations
4: 15.10 Hypergeometric Differential Equation
§15.10 Hypergeometric Differential Equation
15.10.1 z ( 1 z ) d 2 w d z 2 + ( c ( a + b + 1 ) z ) d w d z a b w = 0 .
This is the hypergeometric differential equation. … The three pairs of fundamental solutions given by (15.10.2), (15.10.4), and (15.10.6) can be transformed into 18 other solutions by means of (15.8.1), leading to a total of 24 solutions known as Kummer’s solutions. …
5: 32.2 Differential Equations
§32.2 Differential Equations
The six Painlevé equations P I P VI  are as follows: … The six equations are sometimes referred to as the Painlevé transcendents, but in this chapter this term will be used only for their solutions. … An equation is said to have the Painlevé property if all its solutions are free from movable branch points; the solutions may have movable poles or movable isolated essential singularities (§1.10(iii)), however. … The fifty equations can be reduced to linear equations, solved in terms of elliptic functions (Chapters 22 and 23), or reduced to one of P I P VI . …
6: 28.2 Definitions and Basic Properties
A solution with the pseudoperiodic property (28.2.14) is called a Floquet solution with respect to ν . … leads to a Floquet solution. …
§28.2(vi) Eigenfunctions
Table 28.2.2 gives the notation for the eigenfunctions corresponding to the eigenvalues in Table 28.2.1. …
7: 28.20 Definitions and Basic Properties
§28.20(i) Modified Mathieu’s Equation
28.20.1 w ′′ ( a 2 q cosh ( 2 z ) ) w = 0 ,
§28.20(ii) Solutions Ce ν , Se ν , Me ν , Fe n , Ge n
Then from §2.7(ii) it is seen that equation (28.20.2) has independent and unique solutions that are asymptotic to ζ 1 / 2 e ± 2 i h ζ as ζ in the respective sectors | ph ( i ζ ) | 3 2 π δ , δ being an arbitrary small positive constant. …
§28.20(iv) Radial Mathieu Functions Mc n ( j ) , Ms n ( j )
8: 6.11 Relations to Other Functions
§6.11 Relations to Other Functions
Incomplete Gamma Function
Confluent Hypergeometric Function
6.11.2 E 1 ( z ) = e z U ( 1 , 1 , z ) ,
9: 16.7 Relations to Other Functions
§16.7 Relations to Other Functions
10: 19.10 Relations to Other Functions
§19.10 Relations to Other Functions
§19.10(i) Theta and Elliptic Functions
For relations of Legendre’s integrals to theta functions, Jacobian functions, and Weierstrass functions, see §§20.9(i), 22.15(ii), and 23.6(iv), respectively. …
§19.10(ii) Elementary Functions
For relations to the Gudermannian function gd ( x ) and its inverse gd 1 ( x ) 4.23(viii)), see (19.6.8) and …