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relation to Kummer equation


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1: 13.14 Definitions and Basic Properties
Whittaker’s Equation
Standard solutions are: …
2: 13.2 Definitions and Basic Properties
13.2.1 z d 2 w d z 2 + ( b z ) d w d z a w = 0 .
3: 6.11 Relations to Other Functions
4: 13.6 Relations to Other Functions
§13.6(i) Elementary Functions
§13.6(ii) Incomplete Gamma Functions
§13.6(iv) Parabolic Cylinder Functions
§13.6(v) Orthogonal Polynomials
§13.6(vi) Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
5: 13.3 Recurrence Relations and Derivatives
§13.3 Recurrence Relations and Derivatives
§13.3(i) Recurrence Relations
Kummer’s differential equation (13.2.1) is equivalent to
§13.3(ii) Differentiation Formulas
13.3.22 d d z U ( a , b , z ) = a U ( a + 1 , b + 1 , z ) ,
6: 10.39 Relations to Other Functions
§10.39 Relations to Other Functions
Elementary Functions
Parabolic Cylinder Functions
Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions and Hypergeometric Function
7: 7.11 Relations to Other Functions
§7.11 Relations to Other Functions
Incomplete Gamma Functions and Generalized Exponential Integral
Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
7.11.4 erf z = 2 z π M ( 1 2 , 3 2 , z 2 ) = 2 z π e z 2 M ( 1 , 3 2 , z 2 ) ,
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
8: 8.19 Generalized Exponential Integral
§8.19(i) Definition and Integral Representations
In Figures, height corresponds to the absolute value of the function and color to the phase. …
§8.19(v) Recurrence Relation and Derivatives
§8.19(vi) Relation to Confluent Hypergeometric Function
For U ( a , b , z ) see §13.2(i). …
9: 10.16 Relations to Other Functions
§10.16 Relations to Other Functions
Elementary Functions
Parabolic Cylinder Functions
Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
10: 18.11 Relations to Other Functions
§18.11 Relations to Other Functions
See §§18.5(i) and 18.5(iii) for relations to trigonometric functions, the hypergeometric function, and generalized hypergeometric functions.