recessive solutions
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1: 3.6 Linear Difference Equations
►Then is said to be a recessive (equivalently, minimal or distinguished) solution as , and it is unique except for a constant factor.
►Because the recessive solution of a homogeneous equation is the fastest growing solution in the backward direction, it occurred to J.
►See also Gautschi (1967) and Gil et al. (2007a, Chapter 4) for the computation of recessive solutions via continued fractions.
►It is applicable equally to the computation of the recessive solution of the homogeneous equation (3.6.3) or the computation of any solution
of the inhomogeneous equation (3.6.1) for which the conditions of §3.6(iv) are satisfied.
2: 13.29 Methods of Computation
3: 30.16 Methods of Computation
►The coefficients are computed as the recessive solution of (30.8.4) (§3.6), and normalized via (30.8.5).
4: 2.9 Difference Equations
►As in the case of differential equations (§§2.7(iii), 2.7(iv)) recessive solutions are unique and dominant solutions are not; furthermore, one member of a numerically satisfactory pair has to be recessive.
5: 30.8 Expansions in Series of Ferrers Functions
6: 2.7 Differential Equations
is a recessive (or subdominant) solution as , and is a dominant solution as .
►The solutions
and are respectively recessive and dominant as , and vice versa as .
7: 29.6 Fourier Series
►When , where is a nonnegative integer, it follows from §2.9(i) that for any value of the system (29.6.4)–(29.6.6) has a unique recessive solution
; furthermore
8: 14.2 Differential Equations
§14.2(i) Legendre’s Equation
… ►§14.2(ii) Associated Legendre Equation
… ►§14.2(iii) Numerically Satisfactory Solutions
… ►When , and , and are linearly independent, and when they are recessive at and , respectively. … ►When and , and are linearly independent, and recessive at and , respectively. …9: 9.13 Generalized Airy Functions
►The function on the right-hand side is recessive in the sector , and is therefore an essential member of any numerically satisfactory pair of solutions in this region.