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rational functions


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1: 16.26 Approximations
For discussions of the approximation of generalized hypergeometric functions and the Meijer G -function in terms of polynomials, rational functions, and Chebyshev polynomials see Luke (1975, §§5.12 - 5.13) and Luke (1977b, Chapters 1 and 9).
2: 4.47 Approximations
§4.47(ii) Rational Functions
3: 5.19 Mathematical Applications
§5.19(i) Summation of Rational Functions
As shown in Temme (1996b, §3.4), the results given in §5.7(ii) can be used to sum infinite series of rational functions. …
4: 5.23 Approximations
§5.23(i) Rational Approximations
§5.23(iii) Approximations in the Complex Plane
See Schmelzer and Trefethen (2007) for a survey of rational approximations to various scaled versions of Γ ( z ) . …
5: 16.7 Relations to Other Functions
Further representations of special functions in terms of F q p functions are given in Luke (1969a, §§6.2–6.3), and an extensive list of F q q + 1 functions with rational numbers as parameters is given in Krupnikov and Kölbig (1997).
6: 19.2 Definitions
Let s 2 ( t ) be a cubic or quartic polynomial in t with simple zeros, and let r ( s , t ) be a rational function of s and t containing at least one odd power of s . …
19.2.1 r ( s , t ) d t
19.2.2 r ( s , t ) = ( p 1 + p 2 s ) ( p 3 p 4 s ) s ( p 3 + p 4 s ) ( p 3 p 4 s ) s = ρ s + σ ,
where p j is a polynomial in t while ρ and σ are rational functions of t . …
19.2.3 ρ ( t ) s ( t ) d t .
7: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
§3.11(iii) Minimax Rational Approximations
The theory of polynomial minimax approximation given in §3.11(i) can be extended to the case when p n ( x ) is replaced by a rational function R k , ( x ) . …
The rational functionA general procedure is to approximate F by a rational function R (vanishing at infinity) and then approximate f by r = 1 R . …
8: Bibliography I
  • M. E. H. Ismail and D. R. Masson (1994) q -Hermite polynomials, biorthogonal rational functions, and q -beta integrals. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 346 (1), pp. 63–116.
  • 9: 17.12 Bailey Pairs
    A sequence of pairs of rational functions of several variables ( α n , β n ) , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , , is called a Bailey pair provided that for each n 0
    10: 31.8 Solutions via Quadratures
    By automorphisms from §31.2(v), similar solutions also exist for m 0 , m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , and Ψ g , N ( λ , z ) may become a rational function in z . …