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1: 30.10 Series and Integrals
►For product formulas and convolutions see Connett et al. (1993).
…For expansions in products of spherical Bessel functions, see Flammer (1957, Chapter 6).
2: 13.12 Products
§13.12 Products
… ►For integral representations, integrals, and series containing products of and see Erdélyi et al. (1953a, §6.15.3).3: 13.25 Products
§13.25 Products
… ►For integral representations, integrals, and series containing products of and see Erdélyi et al. (1953a, §6.15.3).4: 27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
§27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
►The fundamental theorem of arithmetic is linked to analysis through the concept of the Euler product. …In this case the infinite product on the right (extended over all primes ) is also absolutely convergent and is called the Euler product of the series. If is completely multiplicative, then each factor in the product is a geometric series and the Euler product becomes … ►Euler products are used to find series that generate many functions of multiplicative number theory. …5: 4.22 Infinite Products and Partial Fractions
6: 4.36 Infinite Products and Partial Fractions
7: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
►A complex linear vector space is called an inner product space if an inner product
is defined for all with the properties: (i) is complex linear in ; (ii) ; (iii) ; (iv) if then .
With norm defined by
…Two elements and in are orthogonal if .
►thus generalizing the inner product of (1.18.9).
►The adjoint of does satisfy where .