►The principalvalue, or principal branch, is defined by
►We regard this as the closed definition of the principalvalue.
►The principalvalue is
►Another example of a principalvalue is provided by
►Analytic continuation of the principalvalue of yields a multi-valued function with branch points at and .
►Unless indicated otherwise, in the rest of this chapter and elsewhere in the DLMF the functions , , , , and assume their principalvalues, that is, the branches that are real on the positive real axis and two-valued on the negative real axis.
►►►Figure 4.29.2: Principalvalues of and .
►►►Figure 4.29.4: Principalvalues of and .
►►►Figure 4.29.6: Principalvalues of and .
►►►Figure 4.15.2:
and .
Principalvalues are shown with thickened lines.
►►►Figure 4.15.4:
and .
Only principalvalues are shown.
►►►Figure 4.15.6:
and .
Only principalvalues are shown.
►Compare the principalvalue of the logarithm (§4.2(i)).
►The principalvalues of the inverse hyperbolic cosecant, hyperbolic secant, and hyperbolic tangent are given by
►Graphs of the principalvalues for real arguments are given in §4.29.
►Throughout this subsection all quantities assume their principalvalues.