prime numbers
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1: 27.3 Multiplicative Properties
►Except for , , , and , the functions in §27.2 are multiplicative, which means and
2: 27.12 Asymptotic Formulas: Primes
§27.12 Asymptotic Formulas: Primes
… ► is the number of primes less than or equal to . … ►Prime Number Theorem
… ► changes sign infinitely often as ; see Littlewood (1914), Bays and Hudson (2000). … ►The largest known prime (2018) is the Mersenne prime . …3: 27.2 Functions
►where are the distinct prime factors of , each exponent is positive, and is the number of distinct primes dividing .
( is defined to be 0.)
…There is great interest in the function that counts the number of primes not exceeding .
►(See Gauss (1863, Band II, pp. 437–477) and Legendre (1808, p. 394).)
§27.2(ii) Tables
…4: 27.18 Methods of Computation: Primes
§27.18 Methods of Computation: Primes
►An overview of methods for precise counting of the number of primes not exceeding an arbitrary integer is given in Crandall and Pomerance (2005, §3.7). … Oliveira e Silva has calculated for , using the combinatorial methods of Lagarias et al. (1985) and Deléglise and Rivat (1996); see Oliveira e Silva (2006). An analytic approach using a contour integral of the Riemann zeta function (§25.2(i)) is discussed in Borwein et al. (2000). … ►For small values of , primality is proven by showing that is not divisible by any prime not exceeding . …5: 27.9 Quadratic Characters
§27.9 Quadratic Characters
… ►
►If are distinct odd primes, then the quadratic reciprocity law states that
►If an odd integer has prime factorization , then the Jacobi symbol
is defined by , with .
6: 27.21 Tables
§27.21 Tables
… ►Bressoud and Wagon (2000, pp. 103–104) supplies tables and graphs that compare , and . … ►7: 27.6 Divisor Sums
8: 27.1 Special Notation
positive integers (unless otherwise indicated). | |
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prime numbers (or primes): integers () with only two positive integer divisors, and the number itself. | |
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