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1: 20.11 Generalizations and Analogs
§20.11(ii) Ramanujan’s Theta Function and q -Series
In the case z = 0 identities for theta functions become identities in the complex variable q , with | q | < 1 , that involve rational functions, power series, and continued fractions; see Adiga et al. (1985), McKean and Moll (1999, pp. 156–158), and Andrews et al. (1988, §10.7). … As in §20.11(ii), the modulus k of elliptic integrals (§19.2(ii)), Jacobian elliptic functions (§22.2), and Weierstrass elliptic functions (§23.6(ii)) can be expanded in q -series via (20.9.1). However, in this case q is no longer regarded as an independent complex variable within the unit circle, because k is related to the variable τ = τ ( k ) of the theta functions via (20.9.2). … For applications to rapidly convergent expansions for π see Chudnovsky and Chudnovsky (1988), and for applications in the construction of elliptic-hypergeometric series see Rosengren (2004). …
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