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power function


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1: 4.2 Definitions
See accompanying text
Figure 4.2.1: z -plane: Branch cut for ln z and z α . Magnify
§4.2(iv) Powers
Powers with General Bases
The principal value is … …
2: 4.1 Special Notation
k , m , n integers.
3: 10.8 Power Series
§10.8 Power Series
4: 35.9 Applications
For other statistical applications of F q p functions of matrix argument see Perlman and Olkin (1980), Groeneboom and Truax (2000), Bhaumik and Sarkar (2002), Richards (2004) (monotonicity of power functions of multivariate statistical test criteria), Bingham et al. (1992) (Procrustes analysis), and Phillips (1986) (exact distributions of statistical test criteria). …
5: 10.53 Power Series
§10.53 Power Series
6: 10.31 Power Series
§10.31 Power Series
7: 10.65 Power Series
§10.65 Power Series
§10.65(iii) Cross-Products and Sums of Squares
§10.65(iv) Compendia
For further power series summable in terms of Kelvin functions and their derivatives see Hansen (1975).
8: 12.4 Power-Series Expansions
§12.4 Power-Series Expansions
9: 28.15 Expansions for Small q
§28.15(ii) Solutions me ν ( z , q )
10: 4.4 Special Values and Limits
§4.4(ii) Powers
§4.4(iii) Limits