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  • 4: 10.73 Physical Applications
    Laplace’s equation governs problems in heat conduction, in the distribution of potential in an electrostatic field, and in hydrodynamics in the irrotational motion of an incompressible fluid. … See Krivoshlykov (1994, Chapter 2, §2.2.10; Chapter 5, §5.2.2), Kapany and Burke (1972, Chapters 4–6; Chapter 7, §A.1), and Slater (1942, Chapter 4, §§20, 25). … In the theory of plates and shells, the oscillations of a circular plate are determined by the differential equation … In quantum mechanics the spherical Bessel functions arise in the solution of the Schrödinger wave equation for a particle in a central potential. …
    5: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    defines the potential for a symmetric restoring force k x for displacements from x = 0 . … argument b) The Morse Oscillator … c) A Rational SUSY Potential argument The Schrödinger equation with potentialNow use spherical coordinates (1.5.16) with r instead of ρ , and assume the potential V to be radial. …
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