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positive definite


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11—18 of 18 matching pages

11: 3.2 Linear Algebra
In the case that the orthogonality condition is replaced by 𝐒 -orthogonality, that is, 𝐯 j T 𝐒 𝐯 k = δ j , k , j , k = 1 , 2 , , n , for some positive definite matrix 𝐒 with Cholesky decomposition 𝐒 = 𝐋 T 𝐋 , then the details change as follows. …
12: 35.8 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
13: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
The matrix is symmetric and positive definite, but the system is ill-conditioned when n is large because the lower rows of the matrix are approximately proportional to one another. …
14: Bibliography T
  • I. C. Tang (1969) Some definite integrals and Fourier series for Jacobian elliptic functions. Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 49, pp. 95–96.
  • G. Taubmann (1992) Parabolic cylinder functions U ( n , x ) for natural n and positive x . Comput. Phys. Commun. 69, pp. 415–419.
  • R. F. Tooper and J. Mark (1968) Simplified calculation of Ei ( x ) for positive arguments, and a short table of Shi ( x ) . Math. Comp. 22 (102), pp. 448–449.
  • 15: Guide to Searching the DLMF
    Table 1: Query Examples
    Query Matching records contain
    int_$^$ sin any definite integral of sin
  • proximity operator:

    adj, prec/n, and near/n, where n is any positive natural number.

  • Table 2: Wildcard Examples
    Query What it stands for
    int_$^$ sin any definite integral of sin.
    16: 9.11 Products
    §9.11(iii) Integral Representations
    For z n w 1 w 2 d z , z n w 1 w 2 d z , z n w 1 w 2 d z , where n is any positive integer, see Albright (1977). …
    §9.11(v) Definite Integrals
    9.11.19 0 d t Ai 2 ( t ) + Bi 2 ( t ) = 0 t d t Ai 2 ( t ) + Bi 2 ( t ) = π 2 6 .
    For further definite integrals see Prudnikov et al. (1990, §1.8.2), Laurenzi (1993), Reid (1995, 1997a, 1997b), and Vallée and Soares (2010, Chapters 3, 4).
    17: Errata
    For some classical polynomials we give some positive sums and discriminants. …
  • Equation (33.14.15)
    33.14.15 0 ϕ m , ( r ) ϕ n , ( r ) d r = δ m , n

    The definite integral, originally written as 0 ϕ n , 2 ( r ) d r = 1 , was clarified and rewritten as an orthogonality relation. This follows from (33.14.14) by combining it with Dunkl (2003, Theorem 2.2).

  • Equations (9.7.3), (9.7.4)

    Originally the function χ was presented with argument given by a positive integer n . It has now been clarified to be valid for argument given by a positive real number x .

  • Subsection 1.2(i)

    The condition for (1.2.2), (1.2.4), and (1.2.5) was corrected. These equations are true only if n is a positive integer. Previously n was allowed to be zero.

    Reported 2011-08-10 by Michael Somos.

  • Subsection 8.17(i)

    The condition for the validity of (8.17.5) is that m and n are positive integers and 0 x < 1 . Previously, no conditions were stated.

    Reported 2011-03-23 by Stephen Bourn.

  • 18: Bibliography W
  • R. Wong and T. Lang (1991) On the points of inflection of Bessel functions of positive order. II. Canad. J. Math. 43 (3), pp. 628–651.
  • R. Wong (1973b) On uniform asymptotic expansion of definite integrals. J. Approximation Theory 7 (1), pp. 76–86.