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plane curves


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1: 19.30 Lengths of Plane Curves
§19.30 Lengths of Plane Curves
§19.30(i) Ellipse
§19.30(ii) Hyperbola
§19.30(iii) Bernoulli’s Lemniscate
2: 21.10 Methods of Computation
  • Tretkoff and Tretkoff (1984). Here a Hurwitz system is chosen to represent the Riemann surface.

  • Deconinck and van Hoeij (2001). Here a plane algebraic curve representation of the Riemann surface is used.

  • 3: 22.18 Mathematical Applications
    §22.18(i) Lengths and Parametrization of Plane Curves
    4: 21.7 Riemann Surfaces
    §21.7(i) Connection of Riemann Theta Functions to Riemann Surfaces
    Belokolos et al. (1994, §2.1)), they are obtainable from plane algebraic curves (Springer (1957), or Riemann (1851)). …Equation (21.7.1) determines a plane algebraic curve in 2 , which is made compact by adding its points at infinity. …
    5: Bibliography G
  • P. Gianni, M. Seppälä, R. Silhol, and B. Trager (1998) Riemann surfaces, plane algebraic curves and their period matrices. J. Symbolic Comput. 26 (6), pp. 789–803.
  • 6: 10.41 Asymptotic Expansions for Large Order
    The curve E 1 B E 2 in the z -plane is the upper boundary of the domain 𝐊 depicted in Figure 10.20.3 and rotated through an angle 1 2 π . …
    7: Bibliography B
  • E. Brieskorn and H. Knörrer (1986) Plane Algebraic Curves. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
  • 8: Philip J. Davis
    Moreover, a cutting plane feature allows users to track curves of intersection produced as a moving plane cuts through the function surface. …
    9: 23.20 Mathematical Applications
    If a , b , then C intersects the plane 2 in a curve that is connected if Δ 4 a 3 + 27 b 2 > 0 ; if Δ < 0 , then the intersection has two components, one of which is a closed loop. …
    10: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
    and S be the closed and bounded point set in the ( x , y ) plane having a simple closed curve C as boundary. …