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  • 5: 18.40 Methods of Computation
    Given the power moments, μ n = a b x n d μ ( x ) , n = 0 , 1 , 2 , , can these be used to find a unique μ ( x ) , a non-decreasing, real, function of x , in the case that the moment problem is determined? Should a unique solution not exist the moment problem is then indeterminant. … Results of low ( 2 to 3 decimal digits) precision for w ( x ) are easily obtained for N 10 to 20 . … Equation (18.40.7) provides step-histogram approximations to a x d μ ( x ) , as shown in Figure 18.40.1 for N = 12 and 120 , shown here for the repulsive Coulomb–Pollaczek OP’s of Figure 18.39.2, with the parameters as listed therein. … The bottom and top of the steps at the x i are lower and upper bounds to a x i d μ ( x ) as made explicit via the Chebyshev inequalities discussed by Shohat and Tamarkin (1970, pp. 42–43). … The PWCF x ( t , N ) is a minimally oscillatory algebraic interpolation of the abscissas x i , N , i = 1 , 2 , , N . …
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