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1: René F. Swarttouw
►Swarttouw is mainly a teacher of mathematics and has published a few papers on special functions and orthogonal polynomials.
He is coauthor of the book Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their
-Analogues) Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their -Analogues.
2: 18.37 Classical OP’s in Two or More Variables
… ►The following three conditions, taken together, determine uniquely: … ►§18.37(ii) OP’s on the Triangle
… ►Orthogonality
… ►Orthogonal polynomials associated with root systems are certain systems of trigonometric polynomials in several variables, symmetric under a certain finite group (Weyl group), and orthogonal on a torus. …3: 18 Orthogonal Polynomials
Chapter 18 Orthogonal Polynomials
…4: 16.7 Relations to Other Functions
5: Roelof Koekoek
►Koekoek is mainly a teacher of mathematics and has published a few papers on orthogonal polynomials.
He is also author of the book Hypergeometric Orthogonal Polynomials and Their -Analogues (with P.
6: 32.15 Orthogonal Polynomials
§32.15 Orthogonal Polynomials
… ►7: Wolter Groenevelt
►Groenevelt’s research interests is in special functions and orthogonal polynomials and their relations with representation theory and interacting particle systems.
►As of September 20, 2022, Groenevelt performed a complete analysis and acted as main consultant for the update of the source citation and proof metadata for every formula in Chapter 18 Orthogonal Polynomials.
8: 12.16 Mathematical Applications
►For examples see §§13.20(iii), 13.20(iv), 14.15(v), and 14.26.
►Sleeman (1968b) considers certain orthogonality properties of the PCFs and corresponding eigenvalues.
9: 18.21 Hahn Class: Interrelations
§18.21 Hahn Class: Interrelations
►§18.21(i) Dualities
… ►§18.21(ii) Limit Relations and Special Cases
… ►Hahn Jacobi
… ►Meixner Laguerre
…10: 18.3 Definitions
§18.3 Definitions
… ►As given by a Rodrigues formula (18.5.5).