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1: 26.13 Permutations: Cycle Notation
σ 𝔖 n is a one-to-one and onto mapping from { 1 , 2 , , n } to itself. … Cycles of length one are fixed points. … An element of 𝔖 n with a 1 fixed points, a 2 cycles of length 2 , , a n cycles of length n , where n = a 1 + 2 a 2 + + n a n , is said to have cycle type ( a 1 , a 2 , , a n ) . … A derangement is a permutation with no fixed points. The derangement number, d ( n ) , is the number of elements of 𝔖 n with no fixed points: …
2: Bibliography G
  • W. Gautschi (1994) Algorithm 726: ORTHPOL — a package of routines for generating orthogonal polynomials and Gauss-type quadrature rules. ACM Trans. Math. Software 20 (1), pp. 21–62.
  • A. Gil, J. Segura, and N. M. Temme (2014) Algorithm 939: computation of the Marcum Q-function. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 40 (3), pp. 20:1–20:21.
  • A. Gil and J. Segura (2003) Computing the zeros and turning points of solutions of second order homogeneous linear ODEs. SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 41 (3), pp. 827–855.
  • V. V. Golubev (1960) Lectures on Integration of the Equations of Motion of a Rigid Body About a Fixed Point. Translated from the Russian by J. Shorr-Kon, Office of Technical Services, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C..
  • Ya. I. Granovskiĭ, I. M. Lutzenko, and A. S. Zhedanov (1992) Mutual integrability, quadratic algebras, and dynamical symmetry. Ann. Phys. 217 (1), pp. 1–20.
  • 3: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
    Let z 1 , z 2 , be a sequence of approximations to a root, or fixed point, ζ . … We have p ( 20 ) = 19 ! and a 19 = 1 + 2 + + 20 = 210 . … For an arbitrary starting point z 0 , convergence cannot be predicted, and the boundary of the set of points z 0 that generate a sequence converging to a particular zero has a very complicated structure. It is called a Julia set. …
    4: 36.5 Stokes Sets
    Stokes sets are surfaces (codimension one) in 𝐱 space, across which Ψ K ( 𝐱 ; k ) or Ψ ( U ) ( 𝐱 ; k ) acquires an exponentially-small asymptotic contribution (in k ), associated with a complex critical point of Φ K or Φ ( U ) . …where j denotes a real critical point (36.4.1) or (36.4.2), and μ denotes a critical point with complex t or s , t , connected with j by a steepest-descent path (that is, a path where Φ = constant ) in complex t or ( s , t ) space. … The Stokes set is itself a cusped curve, connected to the cusp of the bifurcation set: … This consists of a cusp-edged sheet connected to the cusp-edged sheet of the bifurcation set and intersecting the smooth sheet of the bifurcation set. … Red and blue numbers in each region correspond, respectively, to the numbers of real and complex critical points that contribute to the asymptotics of the canonical integral away from the bifurcation sets. …
    5: Bibliography D
  • B. Döring (1966) Complex zeros of cylinder functions. Math. Comp. 20 (94), pp. 215–222.
  • T. M. Dunster (1990b) Uniform asymptotic solutions of second-order linear differential equations having a double pole with complex exponent and a coalescing turning point. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (6), pp. 1594–1618.
  • T. M. Dunster (1994b) Uniform asymptotic solutions of second-order linear differential equations having a simple pole and a coalescing turning point in the complex plane. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (2), pp. 322–353.
  • T. M. Dunster (2001a) Convergent expansions for solutions of linear ordinary differential equations having a simple turning point, with an application to Bessel functions. Stud. Appl. Math. 107 (3), pp. 293–323.
  • T. M. Dunster (2014) Olver’s error bound methods applied to linear ordinary differential equations having a simple turning point. Anal. Appl. (Singap.) 12 (4), pp. 385–402.
  • 6: 36.4 Bifurcation Sets
    §36.4 Bifurcation Sets
    §36.4(i) Formulas
    Critical Points for Cuspoids
    Critical Points for Umbilics
    Elliptic umbilic bifurcation set (codimension three): for fixed z , the section of the bifurcation set is a three-cusped astroid …
    7: 26.12 Plane Partitions
    A plane partition, π , of a positive integer n , is a partition of n in which the parts have been arranged in a 2-dimensional array that is weakly decreasing (nonincreasing) across rows and down columns. … It is useful to be able to visualize a plane partition as a pile of blocks, one block at each lattice point ( h , j , k ) π . … The plane partition in Figure 26.12.1 is an example of a cyclically symmetric plane partition. … A plane partition is totally symmetric if it is both symmetric and cyclically symmetric. … The example of a strict shifted plane partition also satisfies the conditions of a descending plane partition. …
    8: 12.11 Zeros
    If a > 1 2 , then V ( a , x ) has no positive real zeros, and if a = 3 2 2 n , n , then V ( a , x ) has a zero at x = 0 . … When a > 1 2 the zeros are asymptotically given by z a , s and z a , s ¯ , where s is a large positive integer and … When a = 1 2 these zeros are the same as the zeros of the complementary error function erfc ( z / 2 ) ; compare (12.7.5). … For large negative values of a the real zeros of U ( a , x ) , U ( a , x ) , V ( a , x ) , and V ( a , x ) can be approximated by reversion of the Airy-type asymptotic expansions of §§12.10(vii) and 12.10(viii). For example, let the s th real zeros of U ( a , x ) and U ( a , x ) , counted in descending order away from the point z = 2 a , be denoted by u a , s and u a , s , respectively. …
    9: 19.36 Methods of Computation
    If (19.36.1) is used instead of its first five terms, then the factor ( 3 r ) 1 / 6 in Carlson (1995, (2.2)) is changed to ( 3 r ) 1 / 8 . … If x , y , and z are permuted so that 0 x < y < z , then the computation of R F ( x , y , z ) is fastest if we make c 0 2 a 0 2 / 2 by choosing θ = 1 when y < ( x + z ) / 2 or θ = 1 when y ( x + z ) / 2 . … We compute R F ( 1 , 2 , 4 ) by setting θ = 1 , t 0 = c 0 = 1 , and a 0 = 3 . … Near these points there will be loss of significant figures in the computation of R J or R D . … For computation of Legendre’s integral of the third kind, see Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, §§17.7 and 17.8, Examples 15, 17, 19, and 20). …
    10: 23.9 Laurent and Other Power Series
    Let z 0 ( 0 ) be the nearest lattice point to the origin, and define …
    c 2 = 1 20 g 2 ,
    Also, Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, (18.5.25)) supplies the first 22 terms in the reverted form of (23.9.2) as 1 / ( z ) 0 . … where a 0 , 0 = 1 , a m , n = 0 if either m or n < 0 , and …For a m , n with m = 0 , 1 , , 12 and n = 0 , 1 , , 8 , see Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, p. 637).