on an interval
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1: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
►If for every pair , in an interval
such that , then is nondecreasing on .
►If is continuous on an interval
save for a finite number of simple discontinuities, then is piecewise (or sectionally) continuous on .
►If exists and is continuous on an interval
, then we write .
►For nondecreasing on the closure of an interval
, the measure is absolutely continuous if is continuous and there exists a weight function
, Riemann (or Lebesgue) integrable on finite subintervals of , such that
2: Bibliography Z
On some classes of polynomials orthogonal on arcs of the unit circle connected with symmetric orthogonal polynomials on an interval.
J. Approx. Theory 94 (1), pp. 73–106.
3: 26.2 Basic Definitions
►Unless otherwise specified, it consists of horizontal segments corresponding to the vector and vertical segments corresponding to the vector .
For an example see Figure 26.9.2.
►A partition of a set
is an unordered collection of pairwise disjoint nonempty sets whose union is .
►A partition of a nonnegative integer
is an unordered collection of positive integers whose sum is .
As an example, is a partition of 13.
4: 28.17 Stability as
►However, if , then always comprises an unstable pair.
5: 18.40 Methods of Computation
►Here is an interpolation of the abscissas , that is, , allowing differentiation by .
►This is a challenging case as the desired on has an essential singularity at .
6: Bibliography K
Algorithm 763: INTERVAL_ARITHMETIC: A Fortran 90 module for an interval data type.
ACM Trans. Math. Software 22 (4), pp. 385–392.
7: 10.23 Sums
8: 1.6 Vectors and Vector-Valued Functions
►A path is defined by , with ranging over an interval and differentiable.
►with , an open set in the plane.
9: 2.3 Integrals of a Real Variable
() and are positive constants, is a variable parameter in an interval
with and , and is a large positive parameter.