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11: 14.27 Zeros
§14.27 Zeros
P ν μ ( x ± i 0 ) (either side of the cut) has exactly one zero in the interval ( , 1 ) if either of the following sets of conditions holds: …For all other values of the parameters P ν μ ( x ± i 0 ) has no zeros in the interval ( , 1 ) . For complex zeros of P ν μ ( z ) see Hobson (1931, §§233, 234, and 238).
12: 10.21 Zeros
§10.21 Zeros
§10.21(vi) McMahon’s Asymptotic Expansions for Large Zeros
The zeros of the functions …
13: 10.70 Zeros
§10.70 Zeros
Asymptotic approximations for large zeros are as follows. …
zeros of  ber ν x 2 ( t f ( t ) ) , t = ( m 1 2 ν 3 8 ) π ,
zeros of  bei ν x 2 ( t f ( t ) ) , t = ( m 1 2 ν + 1 8 ) π ,
In the case ν = 0 , numerical tabulations (Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Table 9.12)) indicate that each of (10.70.2) corresponds to the m th zero of the function on the left-hand side. …
14: 28.9 Zeros
§28.9 Zeros
For real q each of the functions ce 2 n ( z , q ) , se 2 n + 1 ( z , q ) , ce 2 n + 1 ( z , q ) , and se 2 n + 2 ( z , q ) has exactly n zeros in 0 < z < 1 2 π . …For q the zeros of ce 2 n ( z , q ) and se 2 n + 1 ( z , q ) approach asymptotically the zeros of 𝐻𝑒 2 n ( q 1 / 4 ( π 2 z ) ) , and the zeros of ce 2 n + 1 ( z , q ) and se 2 n + 2 ( z , q ) approach asymptotically the zeros of 𝐻𝑒 2 n + 1 ( q 1 / 4 ( π 2 z ) ) . …Furthermore, for q > 0 ce m ( z , q ) and se m ( z , q ) also have purely imaginary zeros that correspond uniquely to the purely imaginary z -zeros of J m ( 2 q cos z ) 10.21(i)), and they are asymptotically equal as q 0 and | z | . There are no zeros within the strip | z | < 1 2 π other than those on the real and imaginary axes. …
15: 7.13 Zeros
§7.13 Zeros
Table 7.13.1: Zeros x n + i y n of erf z .
n x n y n
Table 7.13.2: Zeros x n + i y n of erfc z .
n x n y n
§7.13(iii) Zeros of the Fresnel Integrals
16: 36.7 Zeros
§36.7 Zeros
Table 36.7.1: Zeros of cusp diffraction catastrophe to 5D.
Zeros { x y } inside, and zeros [ x y ] outside, the cusp x 2 = 8 27 | y | 3 .
The zeros are approximated by solutions of the equation …
17: 25.18 Methods of Computation
§25.18(i) Function Values and Derivatives
§25.18(ii) Zeros
Most numerical calculations of the Riemann zeta function are concerned with locating zeros of ζ ( 1 2 + i t ) in an effort to prove or disprove the Riemann hypothesis, which states that all nontrivial zeros of ζ ( s ) lie on the critical line s = 1 2 . Calculations to date (2008) have found no nontrivial zeros off the critical line. …
18: 10.75 Tables
§10.75(iii) Zeros and Associated Values of the Bessel Functions, Hankel Functions, and their Derivatives
Real Zeros
Complex Zeros
§10.75(vi) Zeros of Modified Bessel Functions and their Derivatives
§10.75(xii) Zeros of Kelvin Functions and their Derivatives
19: 25.17 Physical Applications
§25.17 Physical Applications
Analogies exist between the distribution of the zeros of ζ ( s ) on the critical line and of semiclassical quantum eigenvalues. This relates to a suggestion of Hilbert and Pólya that the zeros are eigenvalues of some operator, and the Riemann hypothesis is true if that operator is Hermitian. …
20: 25.10 Zeros
§25.10 Zeros
§25.10(i) Distribution
These are called the trivial zeros. … Calculations relating to the zeros on the critical line make use of the real-valued function …