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1: 1.3 Determinants, Linear Operators, and Spectral Expansions
§1.3 Determinants, Linear Operators, and Spectral Expansions
§1.3(i) Determinants: Elementary Properties
The minor M j k of the entry a j k in the n th-order determinant det [ a j k ] is the ( n 1 )th-order determinant derived from det [ a j k ] by deleting the j th row and the k th column. …
1.3.3 A j k = ( 1 ) j + k M j k .
2: DLMF Project News
error generating summary
3: 35.1 Special Notation
a , b complex variables.
| ( 𝐗 ) j | j th principal minor of 𝐗 .
4: 35.3 Multivariate Gamma and Beta Functions
35.3.2 Γ m ( s 1 , , s m ) = 𝛀 etr ( 𝐗 ) | 𝐗 | s m 1 2 ( m + 1 ) j = 1 m 1 | ( 𝐗 ) j | s j s j + 1 d 𝐗 , s j , ( s j ) > 1 2 ( j 1 ) , j = 1 , , m .
5: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
The current floating point arithmetic standard is IEEE 754-2019 IEEE (2019), a minor technical revision of IEEE 754-2008 IEEE (2008), which was adopted in 2011 by the International Standards Organization as ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559. …
6: 35.4 Partitions and Zonal Polynomials
7: Errata
This release increments the minor version number and contains considerable additions of new material and clarifications. … This release increments the minor version number and contains considerable additions of new material and clarifications. …
  • Subsections 9.6(iii), 22.19(i)

    Minor additions have been made.

  • References

    Other minor changes were made in the bibliography and index.

  • Several minor improvements were made affecting display on the website; the help files were revised. …
    8: Bibliography D
  • P. J. Davis (1975) Interpolation and Approximation. Dover Publications Inc., New York.