maximum modulus
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1—10 of 47 matching pages
1: 1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable
§1.10(v) Maximum-Modulus Principle
►Analytic Functions
… ►Harmonic Functions
… ►Schwarz’s Lemma
…2: 19.27 Asymptotic Approximations and Expansions
3: 16.21 Differential Equation
►where again .
This equation is of order .
4: 14.21 Definitions and Basic Properties
►The generating function expansions (14.7.19) (with replaced by ) and (14.7.22) apply when ; (14.7.21) (with replaced by ) applies when .
5: 13.10 Integrals
, ,
6: 19.9 Inequalities
7: Bibliography M
Algorithm 779: Fermi-Dirac functions of order , , ,
ACM Trans. Math. Software 24 (1), pp. 1–12.
8: 3.2 Linear Algebra
9: 1.5 Calculus of Two or More Variables
►The function is continuously differentiable if , , and are continuous, and
twice-continuously differentiable if also , , , and are continuous.
►where and its partial derivatives on the right-hand side are evaluated at , and as .
has a local minimum (maximum) at if
►Suppose that are finite, is finite or , and , are continuous on the partly-closed rectangle or infinite strip .
►as .