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1: 31.3 Basic Solutions
denotes the solution of (31.2.1) that corresponds to the exponent at and assumes the value there.
If the other exponent is not a positive integer, that is, if , then from §2.7(i) it follows that exists, is analytic in the disk , and has the Maclaurin expansion
►Solutions (31.3.1) and (31.3.5)–(31.3.11) comprise a set of 8 local solutions of (31.2.1): 2 per singular point.
…For example, is equal to
►The full set of 192 local solutions of (31.2.1), equivalent in 8 sets of 24, resembles Kummer’s set of 24 local solutions of the hypergeometric equation, which are equivalent in 4 sets of 6 solutions (§15.10(ii)); see Maier (2007).
2: 31.7 Relations to Other Functions
►Other reductions of to a , with at least one free parameter, exist iff the pair takes one of a finite number of values, where .
3: 4.42 Solution of Triangles
4: 31.5 Solutions Analytic at Three Singularities: Heun Polynomials
5: 31.1 Special Notation
►The main functions treated in this chapter are , , , and the polynomial .
6: 31.9 Orthogonality
7: 28.19 Expansions in Series of Functions
8: 33.11 Asymptotic Expansions for Large
9: 2.6 Distributional Methods
►Let be locally integrable on .
The Stieltjes
transform of is defined by
…Since is locally integrable on , it defines a distribution by
►In terms of the convolution product
…of two locally integrable functions on , (2.6.33) can be written
10: 10.58 Zeros