limiting forms
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1—10 of 78 matching pages
1: 33.18 Limiting Forms for Large
§33.18 Limiting Forms for Large
…2: 10.30 Limiting Forms
3: 26.5 Lattice Paths: Catalan Numbers
§26.5(iv) Limiting Forms
…4: 33.5 Limiting Forms for Small , Small , or Large
§33.5 Limiting Forms for Small , Small , or Large
►§33.5(i) Small
… ►§33.5(iii) Small
… ►§33.5(iv) Large
…5: 10.52 Limiting Forms
§10.52 Limiting Forms
…6: 33.21 Asymptotic Approximations for Large
§33.21(i) Limiting Forms
►We indicate here how to obtain the limiting forms of , , , and as , with and fixed, in the following cases: …7: 29.5 Special Cases and Limiting Forms
§29.5 Special Cases and Limiting Forms
…8: 18.11 Relations to Other Functions
9: 11.13 Methods of Computation
►Then from the limiting forms for small argument (§§11.2(i), 10.7(i), 10.30(i)), limiting forms for large argument (§§11.6(i), 10.7(ii), 10.30(ii)), and the connection formulas (11.2.5) and (11.2.6), it is seen that and can be computed in a stable manner by integrating forwards, that is, from the origin toward infinity.