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1: Bibliography X
Prolate spheroidal wavefunctions, quadrature and interpolation.
Inverse Problems 17 (4), pp. 805–838.
2: 3.3 Interpolation
§3.3 Interpolation
►§3.3(i) Lagrange Interpolation
… ►Linear Interpolation
… ►§3.3(v) Inverse Interpolation
… ►§3.3(vi) Other Interpolation Methods
…3: Annie A. M. Cuyt
►A lot of her research has been devoted to rational approximations, in one as well as in many variables, and sparse interpolation.
4: 18.40 Methods of Computation
►Interpolation of the midpoints of the jumps followed by differentiation with respect to yields a Stieltjes–Perron inversion to obtain to a precision of decimal digits for .
►Here is an interpolation of the abscissas , that is, , allowing differentiation by .
In what follows this is accomplished in two ways: i) via the Lagrange interpolation of §3.3(i) ; and ii) by constructing a pointwise continued fraction, or PWCF, as follows:
…The PWCF is a minimally oscillatory algebraic interpolation of the abscissas .
►Comparisons of the precisions of Lagrange and PWCF interpolations to obtain the derivatives, are shown in Figure 18.40.2.
5: 3.4 Differentiation
►The are the differentiated Lagrangian interpolation coefficients:
6: Philip J. Davis
►Davis also co-authored a second Chapter, “Numerical Interpolation, Differentiation, and Integration” with Ivan Polonsky.
7: 3.8 Nonlinear Equations
Regula Falsi
… ►Inverse linear interpolation (§3.3(v)) is used to obtain the first approximation: …8: Bibliography N
Tables of Lagrangian Interpolation Coefficients.
Columbia University Press, New York.
9: Bibliography P
On the maximum errors of polynomial approximations defined by interpolation and by least squares criteria.
Comput. J. 9 (4), pp. 404–407.
10: Bibliography T
Six myths of polynomial interpolation and quadrature.
Math. Today (Southend-on-Sea) 47 (4), pp. 184–188.