integral representations for Dirac delta
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1: 1.17 Integral and Series Representations of the Dirac Delta
§1.17(ii) Integral Representations
… ►Sine and Cosine Functions
… ►Bessel Functions and Spherical Bessel Functions (§§10.2(ii), 10.47(ii))
… ►Coulomb Functions (§33.14(iv))
… ►Airy Functions (§9.2)
…2: 10.59 Integrals
►For an integral representation of the Dirac delta in terms of a product of spherical Bessel functions of the first kind see §1.17(ii), and for a generalization see Maximon (1991).
3: 33.14 Definitions and Basic Properties
►The function has the following properties:
4: 9.11 Products
►For an integral representation of the Dirac delta involving a product of two functions see §1.17(ii).
5: Bibliography L
Integral and series representations of the Dirac delta function.
Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 7 (2), pp. 229–247.
6: 10.22 Integrals
►See also §1.17(ii) for an integral representation of the Dirac delta in terms of a product of Bessel functions.
7: 1.18 Linear Second Order Differential Operators and Eigenfunction Expansions
►of the Dirac delta distribution.
►Applying the representation (1.17.13), now symmetrized as in (1.17.14), as ,
►These latter results also correspond to use of the as defined in (1.17.12_1) and (1.17.12_2).
►Thus, and this is a case where is not continuous, if , , there will be an eigenfunction localized in the vicinity of , with a negative eigenvalue, thus disjoint from the continuous spectrum on .
►For fixed angular momentum the appropriate self-adjoint extension of the above operator may have both a discrete spectrum of negative eigenvalues , with corresponding eigenfunctions , and also a continuous spectrum , with Dirac-delta normalized eigenfunctions , also with measure .