integral representation of solutions
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1: 31.10 Integral Equations and Representations
§31.10 Integral Equations and Representations
… ►Kernel Functions
… ►For suitable choices of the branches of the -symbols in (31.10.9) and the contour , we can obtain both integral equations satisfied by Heun functions, as well as the integral representations of a distinct solution of Heun’s equation in terms of a Heun function (polynomial, path-multiplicative solution). … ►Kernel Functions
… ►2: Bibliography V
Integral representations for products of Lamé functions by use of fundamental solutions.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 15 (3), pp. 559–569.
3: 9.12 Scorer Functions
►The general solution is given by
…Standard particular solutions are
§9.12(vii) Integral Representations
… ► …4: 9.13 Generalized Airy Functions
►Reid (1972) and Drazin and Reid (1981, Appendix) introduce the following contour integrals in constructing approximate solutions to the Orr–Sommerfeld equation for fluid flow:
►Connection formulas for the solutions of (9.13.31) include
5: 16.25 Methods of Computation
►Methods for computing the functions of the present chapter include power series, asymptotic expansions, integral representations, differential equations, and recurrence relations.
…There is, however, an added feature in the numerical solution of differential equations and difference equations (recurrence relations).
This occurs when the wanted solution is intermediate in asymptotic growth compared with other solutions.
6: 15.17 Mathematical Applications
►The logarithmic derivatives of some hypergeometric functions for which quadratic transformations exist (§15.8(iii)) are solutions of Painlevé equations.
§15.17(iii) Group Representations
… ►By considering, as a group, all analytic transformations of a basis of solutions under analytic continuation around all paths on the Riemann sheet, we obtain the monodromy group. These monodromy groups are finite iff the solutions of Riemann’s differential equation are all algebraic. …7: 15.19 Methods of Computation
►As noted in §3.7(ii), the integration path should be chosen so that the wanted solution grows in magnitude at least as fast as all other solutions.
§15.19(iii) Integral Representations
►The representation (15.6.1) can be used to compute the hypergeometric function in the sector . …8: Bibliography R
A non-negative representation of the linearization coefficients of the product of Jacobi polynomials.
Canad. J. Math. 33 (4), pp. 915–928.
Composite approximations to the solutions of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation.
Studies in Appl. Math. 51, pp. 341–368.
Integral representations for products of Airy functions.
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 46 (2), pp. 159–170.
Integral representations for products of Airy functions. II. Cubic products.
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 48 (4), pp. 646–655.
Integral representations for products of Airy functions. III. Quartic products.
Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 48 (4), pp. 656–664.
9: 28.28 Integrals, Integral Representations, and Integral Equations
§28.28 Integrals, Integral Representations, and Integral Equations
►§28.28(i) Equations with Elementary Kernels
… ►§28.28(ii) Integrals of Products with Bessel Functions
… ►§28.28(iv) Integrals of Products of Mathieu Functions of Integer Order
… ►§28.28(v) Compendia
…10: Bibliography S
The Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions.
2nd edition, Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Vol. 203, Springer-Verlag, New York.
Time propagation of partial differential equations using the short iterative Lanczos method and finite-element discrete variable representation.
Adv. Quantum Chem. 72, pp. 95–127.
On integral representations for Lamé and other special functions.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 11 (4), pp. 702–723.
On integral representation of Weber’s parabolic cylinder function and its expansion into an infinite series.
J. Indian Math. Soc. (N. S.) 4, pp. 34–38.
Représentation asymptotique de la solution générale de l’équation de Mathieu-Hill.
Acad. Roy. Belg. Bull. Cl. Sci. (5) 51 (11), pp. 1415–1446.