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1: 24.10 Arithmetic Properties
►where .
…valid when and , where is a fixed integer.
►valid for fixed integers , and for all such that
and .
2: 36.9 Integral Identities
3: 26.21 Tables
►Andrews (1976) contains tables of the number of unrestricted partitions, partitions into odd parts, partitions into parts , partitions into parts , and unrestricted plane partitions up to 100.
4: 27.16 Cryptography
►Thus, and .
►By the Euler–Fermat theorem (27.2.8), ; hence .
But , so is the same as modulo .
5: 22.9 Cyclic Identities
§22.9 Cyclic Identities
… ►§22.9(ii) Typical Identities of Rank 2
… ► ►§22.9(iii) Typical Identities of Rank 3
… ►6: 24.5 Recurrence Relations
§24.5(ii) Other Identities
… ►§24.5(iii) Inversion Formulas
►In each of (24.5.9) and (24.5.10) the first identity implies the second one and vice-versa. …7: 15.17 Mathematical Applications
§15.17(iv) Combinatorics
►In combinatorics, hypergeometric identities classify single sums of products of binomial coefficients. …8: 27.15 Chinese Remainder Theorem
►The Chinese remainder theorem states that a system of congruences , always has a solution if the moduli are relatively prime in pairs; the solution is unique (mod ), where is the product of the moduli.
9: 17.17 Physical Applications
►In exactly solved models in statistical mechanics (Baxter (1981, 1982)) the methods and identities of §17.12 play a substantial role.