generating function
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1: 1.10 Functions of a Complex Variable
§1.10(xi) Generating Functions
… ►Then is the generating function for the functions , which will automatically have an integral representation … ►Ultraspherical polynomials have generating function …2: 10.56 Generating Functions
§10.56 Generating Functions
…3: 10.12 Generating Function and Associated Series
§10.12 Generating Function and Associated Series
…4: 10.35 Generating Function and Associated Series
§10.35 Generating Function and Associated Series
…5: 27.4 Euler Products and Dirichlet Series
►The Riemann zeta function is the prototype of series of the form
►The function
is a generating function, or more precisely, a Dirichlet generating
function, for the coefficients.
The following examples have generating functions related to the zeta function:
6: Howard S. Cohl
►Cohl has published papers in orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and is particularly interested in fundamental solutions of linear partial differential equations on Riemannian manifolds, associated Legendre functions, generalized and basic hypergeometric functions, eigenfunction expansions of fundamental solutions in separable coordinate systems for linear partial differential equations, orthogonal polynomial generating function and generalized expansions, and -series.
7: 18.12 Generating Functions
8: 26.5 Lattice Paths: Catalan Numbers
§26.5(ii) Generating Function
…9: 14.21 Definitions and Basic Properties