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generalized sine and cosine integrals


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1: 8.21 Generalized Sine and Cosine Integrals
§8.21 Generalized Sine and Cosine Integrals
From here on it is assumed that unless indicated otherwise the functions si ( a , z ) , ci ( a , z ) , Si ( a , z ) , and Ci ( a , z ) have their principal values. …
§8.21(iv) Interrelations
For the corresponding expansions for si ( a , z ) and ci ( a , z ) apply (8.21.20) and (8.21.21).
2: 8.1 Special Notation
Unless otherwise indicated, primes denote derivatives with respect to the argument. The functions treated in this chapter are the incomplete gamma functions γ ( a , z ) , Γ ( a , z ) , γ ( a , z ) , P ( a , z ) , and Q ( a , z ) ; the incomplete beta functions B x ( a , b ) and I x ( a , b ) ; the generalized exponential integral E p ( z ) ; the generalized sine and cosine integrals si ( a , z ) , ci ( a , z ) , Si ( a , z ) , and Ci ( a , z ) . Alternative notations include: Prym’s functions P z ( a ) = γ ( a , z ) , Q z ( a ) = Γ ( a , z ) , Nielsen (1906a, pp. 25–26), Batchelder (1967, p. 63); ( a , z ) ! = γ ( a + 1 , z ) , [ a , z ] ! = Γ ( a + 1 , z ) , Dingle (1973); B ( a , b , x ) = B x ( a , b ) , I ( a , b , x ) = I x ( a , b ) , Magnus et al. (1966); Si ( a , x ) Si ( 1 a , x ) , Ci ( a , x ) Ci ( 1 a , x ) , Luke (1975).
3: 6.4 Analytic Continuation
§6.4 Analytic Continuation
The general value of E 1 ( z ) is given by … The general values of the other functions are defined in a similar manner, and … Unless indicated otherwise, in the rest of this chapter and elsewhere in the DLMF the functions E 1 ( z ) , Ci ( z ) , Chi ( z ) , f ( z ) , and g ( z ) assume their principal values, that is, the branches that are real on the positive real axis and two-valued on the negative real axis.
4: 6.2 Definitions and Interrelations
§6.2(i) Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals
§6.2(ii) Sine and Cosine Integrals
Values at Infinity
Hyperbolic Analogs of the Sine and Cosine Integrals
§6.2(iii) Auxiliary Functions
5: 6 Exponential, Logarithmic, Sine, and
Cosine Integrals
Chapter 6 Exponential, Logarithmic, Sine, and Cosine Integrals
6: 10.15 Derivatives with Respect to Order
For the notations Ci and Si see §6.2(ii). …
10.15.9 Y ν ( x ) ν | ν = 1 2 = 2 π x ( Ci ( 2 x ) sin x ( Si ( 2 x ) π ) cos x ) .
7: 7.14 Integrals
§7.14 Integrals
Fourier Transform
§7.14(ii) Fresnel Integrals
Laplace Transforms
In a series of ten papers Hadži (1968, 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1975a, 1975b, 1976a, 1976b, 1978) gives many integrals containing error functions and Fresnel integrals, also in combination with the hypergeometric function, confluent hypergeometric functions, and generalized hypergeometric functions.
8: Software Index
9: 7.11 Relations to Other Functions
Incomplete Gamma Functions and Generalized Exponential Integral
Confluent Hypergeometric Functions
7.11.6 C ( z ) + i S ( z ) = z M ( 1 2 , 3 2 , 1 2 π i z 2 ) = z e π i z 2 / 2 M ( 1 , 3 2 , 1 2 π i z 2 ) .
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions
10: 6.10 Other Series Expansions
§6.10(i) Inverse Factorial Series
For a more general result (incomplete gamma function), and also for a result for the logarithmic integral, see Nielsen (1906a, p. 283: Formula (3) is incorrect).
§6.10(ii) Expansions in Series of Spherical Bessel Functions
6.10.4 Si ( z ) = z n = 0 ( 𝗃 n ( 1 2 z ) ) 2 ,
An expansion for E 1 ( z ) can be obtained by combining (6.2.4) and (6.10.8).