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fundamental theorem of arithmetic


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11: Bibliography M
  • D. W. Matula and P. Kornerup (1980) Foundations of Finite Precision Rational Arithmetic. In Fundamentals of Numerical Computation (Computer-oriented Numerical Analysis), G. Alefeld and R. D. Grigorieff (Eds.), Comput. Suppl., Vol. 2, Vienna, pp. 85–111.
  • X. Merrheim (1994) The computation of elementary functions in radix 2 p . Computing 53 (3-4), pp. 219–232.
  • S. C. Milne (1985a) A q -analog of the F 4 5 ( 1 ) summation theorem for hypergeometric series well-poised in 𝑆𝑈 ( n ) . Adv. in Math. 57 (1), pp. 14–33.
  • S. C. Milne (1988) A q -analog of the Gauss summation theorem for hypergeometric series in U ( n ) . Adv. in Math. 72 (1), pp. 59–131.
  • P. J. Mohr and B. N. Taylor (2005) CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants: 2002. Rev. Mod.Phys. 77, pp. 1–107.
  • 12: Howard S. Cohl
    Cohl has published papers in orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and is particularly interested in fundamental solutions of linear partial differential equations on Riemannian manifolds, associated Legendre functions, generalized and basic hypergeometric functions, eigenfunction expansions of fundamental solutions in separable coordinate systems for linear partial differential equations, orthogonal polynomial generating function and generalized expansions, and q -series. …
    13: 24.10 Arithmetic Properties
    §24.10 Arithmetic Properties
    §24.10(i) Von Staudt–Clausen Theorem
    14: Bibliography G
  • K. Girstmair (1990a) A theorem on the numerators of the Bernoulli numbers. Amer. Math. Monthly 97 (2), pp. 136–138.
  • D. Goldberg (1991) What every computer scientist should know about floating-point arithmetic. ACM Computing Surveys 23 (1), pp. 5–48.
  • K. Gottfried and T. Yan (2004) Quantum mechanics: fundamentals. Second edition, Springer-Verlag, New York.
  • R. A. Gustafson (1987) Multilateral summation theorems for ordinary and basic hypergeometric series in U ( n ) . SIAM J. Math. Anal. 18 (6), pp. 1576–1596.
  • 15: 1.4 Calculus of One Variable
    Mean Value Theorem
    Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
    First Mean Value Theorem
    Second Mean Value Theorem
    §1.4(vi) Taylor’s Theorem for Real Variables
    16: 27.11 Asymptotic Formulas: Partial Sums
    where ( h , k ) = 1 , k > 0 . Letting x in (27.11.9) or in (27.11.11) we see that there are infinitely many primes p h ( mod k ) if h , k are coprime; this is Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions. …
    27.11.15 lim x n x μ ( n ) ln n n = 1 .
    Each of (27.11.13)–(27.11.15) is equivalent to the prime number theorem (27.2.3). The prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions—an extension of (27.2.3) and first proved in de la Vallée Poussin (1896a, b)—states that if ( h , k ) = 1 , then the number of primes p x with p h ( mod k ) is asymptotic to x / ( ϕ ( k ) ln x ) as x .
    17: 3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
    §3.1 Arithmetics and Error Measures
    §3.1(ii) Interval Arithmetic
    §3.1(iii) Rational Arithmetics
    18: Leonard C. Maximon
    Maximon published numerous papers on the fundamental processes of quantum electrodynamics and on the special functions of mathematical physics. …
    19: 25.15 Dirichlet L -functions
    This result plays an important role in the proof of Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions (§27.11). Related results are:
    25.15.10 L ( 0 , χ ) = { 1 k r = 1 k 1 r χ ( r ) , χ χ 1 , 0 , χ = χ 1 .
    20: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
    The fundamental quantum Schrödinger operator, also called the Hamiltonian, , is a second order differential operator of the form … An important, and perhaps unexpected, feature of the EOP’s is now pointed out by noting that for 1D Schrödinger operators, or equivalent Sturm-Liouville ODEs, having discrete spectra with L 2 eigenfunctions vanishing at the end points, in this case ± see Simon (2005c, Theorem 3.3, p. 35), such eigenfunctions satisfy the Sturm oscillation theorem. …Both satisfy Sturm’s theorem. …
    See accompanying text
    Figure 18.39.1: Graphs of the first and fourth excited state eigenfunctions of the harmonic oscillator, for = k = m = 1 , of (18.39.13), in ψ 1 ( x ) , ψ 4 ( x ) and those of the rational potential of (18.39.19), in ψ ^ 3 ( x ) , ψ ^ 6 ( x ) . Both sets satisfy the Sturm oscillation theorem. Magnify
    A major difficulty in such calculations, loss of precision, is addressed in Gautschi (2009) where use of variable precision arithmetic is discussed and employed. …