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1: 15.2 Definitions and Analytical Properties
§15.2(i) Gauss Series
โ–บThe hypergeometric function F โก ( a , b ; c ; z ) is defined by the Gauss series … … โ–บ
§15.2(ii) Analytic Properties
โ–บThe same properties hold for F โก ( a , b ; c ; z ) , except that as a function of c , F โก ( a , b ; c ; z ) in general has poles at c = 0 , 1 , 2 , . …
2: 35.8 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
§35.8 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
§35.8(iii) F 2 3 Case
Kummer Transformation
Pfaff–Saalschütz Formula
Thomae Transformation
3: 35.7 Gaussian Hypergeometric Function of Matrix Argument
§35.7 Gaussian Hypergeometric Function of Matrix Argument
§35.7(i) Definition
Jacobi Form
Confluent Form
Integral Representation
4: 35.6 Confluent Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
§35.6 Confluent Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
§35.6(i) Definitions
Laguerre Form
§35.6(ii) Properties
§35.6(iii) Relations to Bessel Functions of Matrix Argument
5: 34.2 Definition: 3 โข j Symbol
§34.2 Definition: 3 โข j Symbol
โ–บThe quantities j 1 , j 2 , j 3 in the 3 โข j symbol are called angular momenta. …The corresponding projective quantum numbers m 1 , m 2 , m 3 are given by … โ–บwhere F 2 3 is defined as in §16.2. โ–บFor alternative expressions for the 3 โข j symbol, written either as a finite sum or as other terminating generalized hypergeometric series F 2 3 of unit argument, see Varshalovich et al. (1988, §§8.21, 8.24–8.26).
6: 17.1 Special Notation
§17.1 Special Notation
โ–บ โ–บโ–บ
k , j , m , n , r , s nonnegative integers.
โ–บThe main functions treated in this chapter are the basic hypergeometric (or q -hypergeometric) function ฯ• s r โก ( a 1 , a 2 , , a r ; b 1 , b 2 , , b s ; q , z ) , the bilateral basic hypergeometric (or bilateral q -hypergeometric) function ฯˆ s r โก ( a 1 , a 2 , , a r ; b 1 , b 2 , , b s ; q , z ) , and the q -analogs of the Appell functions ฮฆ ( 1 ) โก ( a ; b , b ; c ; q ; x , y ) , ฮฆ ( 2 ) โก ( a ; b , b ; c , c ; q ; x , y ) , ฮฆ ( 3 ) โก ( a , a ; b , b ; c ; q ; x , y ) , and ฮฆ ( 4 ) โก ( a , b ; c , c ; q ; x , y ) . … โ–บFine (1988) uses F โก ( a , b ; t : q ) for a particular specialization of a ฯ• 1 2 function.
7: 16.2 Definition and Analytic Properties
§16.2(i) Generalized Hypergeometric Series
โ–บNote also that any partial sum of the generalized hypergeometric series can be represented as a generalized hypergeometric function via … โ–บ
§16.2(v) Behavior with Respect to Parameters
8: 35.1 Special Notation
โ–บ(For other notation see Notation for the Special Functions.) … โ–บ โ–บโ–บ
a , b complex variables.
โ–บThe main functions treated in this chapter are the multivariate gamma and beta functions, respectively ฮ“ m โก ( a ) and B m โก ( a , b ) , and the special functions of matrix argument: Bessel (of the first kind) A ฮฝ โก ( ๐“ ) and (of the second kind) B ฮฝ โก ( ๐“ ) ; confluent hypergeometric (of the first kind) F 1 1 โก ( a ; b ; ๐“ ) or F 1 1 โก ( a b ; ๐“ ) and (of the second kind) ฮจ โก ( a ; b ; ๐“ ) ; Gaussian hypergeometric F 1 2 โก ( a 1 , a 2 ; b ; ๐“ ) or F 1 2 โก ( a 1 , a 2 b ; ๐“ ) ; generalized hypergeometric F q p โก ( a 1 , , a p ; b 1 , , b q ; ๐“ ) or F q p โก ( a 1 , , a p b 1 , , b q ; ๐“ ) . โ–บAn alternative notation for the multivariate gamma function is ฮ  m โก ( a ) = ฮ“ m โก ( a + 1 2 โข ( m + 1 ) ) (Herz (1955, p. 480)). Related notations for the Bessel functions are ๐’ฅ ฮฝ + 1 2 โข ( m + 1 ) โก ( ๐“ ) = A ฮฝ โก ( ๐“ ) / A ฮฝ โก ( ๐ŸŽ ) (Faraut and Korányi (1994, pp. 320–329)), K m โก ( 0 , , 0 , ฮฝ | ๐’ , ๐“ ) = | ๐“ | ฮฝ โข B ฮฝ โก ( ๐’ โข ๐“ ) (Terras (1988, pp. 49–64)), and ๐’ฆ ฮฝ โก ( ๐“ ) = | ๐“ | ฮฝ โข B ฮฝ โก ( ๐’ โข ๐“ ) (Faraut and Korányi (1994, pp. 357–358)).
9: 35.5 Bessel Functions of Matrix Argument
§35.5 Bessel Functions of Matrix Argument
§35.5(i) Definitions
§35.5(ii) Properties
§35.5(iii) Asymptotic Approximations
โ–บFor asymptotic approximations for Bessel functions of matrix argument, see Herz (1955) and Butler and Wood (2003).
10: 19.16 Definitions
§19.16(ii) R a โก ( ๐› ; ๐ณ )
โ–บAll elliptic integrals of the form (19.2.3) and many multiple integrals, including (19.23.6) and (19.23.6_5), are special cases of a multivariate hypergeometric function …The R -function is often used to make a unified statement of a property of several elliptic integrals. … โ–บ โ–บ
§19.16(iii) Various Cases of R a โก ( ๐› ; ๐ณ )