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expansions of solutions in series of


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21: 2.8 Differential Equations with a Parameter
β–ΊThe form of the asymptotic expansion depends on the nature of the transition points in 𝐃 , that is, points at which f ⁑ ( z ) has a zero or singularity. … β–ΊIn Cases I and II the asymptotic solutions are in terms of the functions that satisfy (2.8.8) with ψ ⁑ ( ΞΎ ) = 0 . … β–ΊFor another approach to these problems based on convergent inverse factorial series expansions see Dunster et al. (1993) and Dunster (2001a, 2004). … β–Ί
§2.8(iv) Case III: Simple Pole
β–ΊFor other examples of uniform asymptotic approximations and expansions of special functions in terms of Bessel functions or modified Bessel functions of fixed order see §§13.8(iii), 13.21(i), 13.21(iv), 14.15(i), 14.15(iii), 14.20(vii), 15.12(iii), 18.15(i), 18.15(iv), 18.24, 33.20(iv). …
22: 4.13 Lambert W -Function
β–ΊThe Lambert W -function W ⁑ ( z ) is the solution of the equation … β–ΊOn the z -interval [ 0 , ) there is one real solution, and it is nonnegative and increasing. … β–ΊOther solutions of (4.13.1) are other branches of W ⁑ ( z ) . … β–ΊIn the case of k = 0 and real z the series converges for z e . …For these results and other asymptotic expansions see Corless et al. (1997). …
23: 3.6 Linear Difference Equations
β–ΊThis is of little consequence if the wanted solution is growing in magnitude at least as fast as any other solution of (3.6.3), and the recursion process is stable. … β–ΊBecause the recessive solution of a homogeneous equation is the fastest growing solution in the backward direction, it occurred to J. …A “trial solution” is then computed by backward recursion, in the course of which the original components of the unwanted solution g n die away. … β–ΊIf, as n , the wanted solution w n grows (decays) in magnitude at least as fast as any solution of the corresponding homogeneous equation, then forward (backward) recursion is stable. … β–ΊHere β„“ [ 0 , k ] , and its actual value depends on the asymptotic behavior of the wanted solution in relation to those of the other solutions. …
24: Bibliography K
  • D. Karp, A. Savenkova, and S. M. Sitnik (2007) Series expansions for the third incomplete elliptic integral via partial fraction decompositions. J. Comput. Appl. Math. 207 (2), pp. 331–337.
  • β–Ί
  • A. V. Kashevarov (1998) The second Painlevé equation in electric probe theory. Some numerical solutions. Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 38 (6), pp. 992–1000 (Russian).
  • β–Ί
  • A. V. Kashevarov (2004) The second Painlevé equation in the electrostatic probe theory: Numerical solutions for the partial absorption of charged particles by the surface. Technical Physics 49 (1), pp. 1–7.
  • β–Ί
  • M. Katsurada (2003) Asymptotic expansions of certain q -series and a formula of Ramanujan for specific values of the Riemann zeta function. Acta Arith. 107 (3), pp. 269–298.
  • β–Ί
  • C. Krattenthaler (1993) HYP and HYPQ. Mathematica packages for the manipulation of binomial sums and hypergeometric series respectively q -binomial sums and basic hypergeometric series. Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 30, pp. 61–76.
  • 25: 9.17 Methods of Computation
    §9.17(i) Maclaurin Expansions
    β–ΊAlthough the Maclaurin-series expansions of §§9.4 and 9.12(vi) converge for all finite values of z , they are cumbersome to use when | z | is large owing to slowness of convergence and cancellation. For large | z | the asymptotic expansions of §§9.7 and 9.12(viii) should be used instead. …However, in the case of Ai ⁑ ( z ) and Bi ⁑ ( z ) this accuracy can be increased considerably by use of the exponentially-improved forms of expansion supplied in §9.7(v). … β–ΊAs described in §3.7(ii), to ensure stability the integration path must be chosen in such a way that as we proceed along it the wanted solution grows at least as fast as all other solutions of the differential equation. …
    26: Bibliography S
  • M. J. Seaton (2002b) FGH, a code for the calculation of Coulomb radial wave functions from series expansions. Comput. Phys. Comm. 146 (2), pp. 250–253.
  • β–Ί
  • H. Shanker (1939) On the expansion of the parabolic cylinder function in a series of the product of two parabolic cylinder functions. J. Indian Math. Soc. (N. S.) 3, pp. 226–230.
  • β–Ί
  • H. Shanker (1940a) On integral representation of Weber’s parabolic cylinder function and its expansion into an infinite series. J. Indian Math. Soc. (N. S.) 4, pp. 34–38.
  • β–Ί
  • B. D. Sleeman (1966b) The expansion of Lamé functions into series of associated Legendre functions of the second kind. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 62, pp. 441–452.
  • β–Ί
  • S. K. Suslov (2003) An Introduction to Basic Fourier Series. Developments in Mathematics, Vol. 9, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • 27: 12.4 Power-Series Expansions
    §12.4 Power-Series Expansions
    β–Ίwhere the initial values are given by (12.2.6)–(12.2.9), and u 1 ⁑ ( a , z ) and u 2 ⁑ ( a , z ) are the even and odd solutions of (12.2.2) given by β–Ί
    12.4.3 u 1 ⁑ ( a , z ) = e 1 4 ⁒ z 2 ⁒ ( 1 + ( a + 1 2 ) ⁒ z 2 2 ! + ( a + 1 2 ) ⁒ ( a + 5 2 ) ⁒ z 4 4 ! + β‹― ) ,
    12.4.4 u 2 ⁑ ( a , z ) = e 1 4 ⁒ z 2 ⁒ ( z + ( a + 3 2 ) ⁒ z 3 3 ! + ( a + 3 2 ) ⁒ ( a + 7 2 ) ⁒ z 5 5 ! + β‹― ) .
    β–ΊThese series converge for all values of z .
    28: 11.13 Methods of Computation
    §11.13(ii) Series Expansions
    β–ΊAlthough the power-series expansions (11.2.1) and (11.2.2), and the Bessel-function expansions of §11.4(iv) converge for all finite values of z , they are cumbersome to use when | z | is large owing to slowness of convergence and cancellation. For large | z | and/or | Ξ½ | the asymptotic expansions given in §11.6 should be used instead. … β–ΊTo insure stability the integration path must be chosen so that as we proceed along it the wanted solution grows in magnitude at least as rapidly as the complementary solutions. … β–ΊThe solution 𝐊 Ξ½ ⁑ ( x ) needs to be integrated backwards for small x , and either forwards or backwards for large x depending whether or not Ξ½ exceeds 1 2 . …
    29: 13.29 Methods of Computation
    §13.29(i) Series Expansions
    β–ΊAlthough the Maclaurin series expansion (13.2.2) converges for all finite values of z , it is cumbersome to use when | z | is large owing to slowness of convergence and cancellation. …However, this accuracy can be increased considerably by use of the exponentially-improved forms of expansion supplied by the combination of (13.7.10) and (13.7.11), or by use of the hyperasymptotic expansions given in Olde Daalhuis and Olver (1995a). … β–ΊAs described in §3.7(ii), to insure stability the integration path must be chosen in such a way that as we proceed along it the wanted solution grows in magnitude at least as fast as all other solutions of the differential equation. … β–Ίwith recessive solution
    30: 12.14 The Function W ⁑ ( a , x )
    β–ΊIn this section solutions of equation (12.2.3) are considered. … β–Ί
    §12.14(v) Power-Series Expansions
    Airy-type Uniform Expansions
    β–ΊIn this case there are no real turning points, and the solutions of (12.2.3), with z replaced by x , oscillate on the entire real x -axis. … β–ΊAs noted in §12.14(ix), when a is negative the solutions of (12.2.3), with z replaced by x , are oscillatory on the whole real line; also, when a is positive there is a central interval 2 ⁒ a < x < 2 ⁒ a in which the solutions are exponential in character. …