expansions in modified spherical Bessel functions
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1: 6.10 Other Series Expansions
§6.10(ii) Expansions in Series of Spherical Bessel Functions
…2: 8.7 Series Expansions
§8.7 Series Expansions
…3: 10.74 Methods of Computation
►In the case of the spherical Bessel functions the explicit formulas given in §§10.49(i) and 10.49(ii) are terminating cases of the asymptotic expansions given in §§10.17(i) and 10.40(i) for the Bessel functions and modified Bessel functions.
4: 10.1 Special Notation
►The main functions treated in this chapter are the Bessel functions
, ; Hankel functions
, ; modified Bessel functions
, ; spherical Bessel functions
, , , ; modified spherical Bessel functions
, , ; Kelvin functions
, , , .
For the spherical Bessel functions and modified spherical Bessel functions the order is a nonnegative integer.
►Abramowitz and Stegun (1964): , , , , for , , , , respectively, when .
►Whittaker and Watson (1927): for .
►For older notations see British Association for the Advancement of Science (1937, pp. xix–xx) and Watson (1944, Chapters 1–3).
5: 7.6 Series Expansions
§7.6 Series Expansions
►§7.6(i) Power Series
… ►The series in this subsection and in §7.6(ii) converge for all finite values of . ►§7.6(ii) Expansions in Series of Spherical Bessel Functions
… ►
6: 18.15 Asymptotic Approximations
►These expansions are in terms of Whittaker functions (§13.14).
…The latter expansions are in terms of Bessel functions, and are uniform in complex -domains not containing neighborhoods of 1.
►These expansions are in terms of Bessel functions and modified Bessel functions, respectively.
In Terms of Bessel Functions
… ►For an error bound for the first term in the Airy-function expansions see Olver (1997b, p. 403). …7: 33.9 Expansions in Series of Bessel Functions
§33.9 Expansions in Series of Bessel Functions
►§33.9(i) Spherical Bessel Functions
… ►where the function is as in §10.47(ii), , , and … ►§33.9(ii) Bessel Functions and Modified Bessel Functions
►In this subsection the functions , , and are as in §§10.2(ii) and 10.25(ii). …8: 14.15 Uniform Asymptotic Approximations
►Here and are the modified Bessel functions (§10.25(ii)).
►For asymptotic expansions and explicit error bounds, see Dunster (2003b).
►For the Bessel functions
and see §10.2(ii), and for the
functions associated with and see §2.8(iv).
►For convergent series expansions see Dunster (2004).
►See also Olver (1997b, pp. 311–313) and §18.15(iii) for a generalized asymptotic expansion in terms of elementary functions for Legendre polynomials as with fixed.
9: Bibliography S
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10: Bibliography B
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