expansion in zonal polynomials
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1: 35.8 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions of Matrix Argument
βΊThe generalized hypergeometric function with matrix argument , numerator parameters , and denominator parameters is
2: 35.10 Methods of Computation
βΊFor small values of the zonal polynomial expansion given by (35.8.1) can be summed numerically.
For large the asymptotic approximations referred to in §35.7(iv) are available.
βΊSee Yan (1992) for the and functions of matrix argument in the case , and Bingham et al. (1992) for Monte Carlo simulation on applied to a generalization of the integral (35.5.8).
βΊKoev and Edelman (2006) utilizes combinatorial identities for the zonal polynomials to develop computational algorithms for approximating the series expansion (35.8.1).
These algorithms are extremely efficient, converge rapidly even for large values of , and have complexity linear in
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5: 14.18 Sums
§14.18(i) Expansion Theorem
βΊFor expansions of arbitrary functions in series of Legendre polynomials see §18.18(i), and for expansions of arbitrary functions in series of associated Legendre functions see Schäfke (1961b). … βΊZonal Harmonic Series
… βΊFor a series representation of the Dirac delta in terms of products of Legendre polynomials see (1.17.22). …6: Bibliography G
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8: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
βΊIn consequence, expansions of functions that are infinitely differentiable on
in series of Chebyshev polynomials usually converge extremely rapidly.
Zonal Spherical Harmonics
βΊUltraspherical polynomials are zonal spherical harmonics. … βΊHermite polynomials (and their Freud-weight analogs (§18.32)) play an important role in random matrix theory. … βΊDunkl type operators and nonsymmetric polynomials have been associated with various other families in the Askey scheme and -Askey scheme, in particular with Wilson polynomials, see Groenevelt (2007), and with Jacobi polynomials, see Koornwinder and Bouzeffour (2011, §7). …9: Bibliography S
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John Stembridge’s Home Page
Uniform asymptotic expansions of Hermite polynomials.
M. Phil. thesis, City University of Hong Kong.