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1: 24.1 Special Notation
Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials
The origin of the notation B n , B n ( x ) , is not clear. …
Euler Numbers and Polynomials
Its coefficients were first studied in Euler (1755); they were called Euler numbers by Raabe in 1851. The notations E n , E n ( x ) , as defined in §24.2(ii), were used in Lucas (1891) and Nörlund (1924). …
2: 28.36 Software
  • Erricolo (2006). Fortran.

  • Erricolo and Carluccio (2013). Fortran.

  • 3: 26.8 Set Partitions: Stirling Numbers
    §26.8 Set Partitions: Stirling Numbers
    s ( n , k ) denotes the Stirling number of the first kind: ( 1 ) n k times the number of permutations of { 1 , 2 , , n } with exactly k cycles. … … Let A and B be the n × n matrices with ( j , k ) th elements s ( j , k ) , and S ( j , k ) , respectively. … For asymptotic approximations for s ( n + 1 , k + 1 ) and S ( n , k ) that apply uniformly for 1 k n as n see Temme (1993) and Temme (2015, Chapter 34). …
    4: Bibliography E
  • R. Ernvall (1979) Generalized Bernoulli numbers, generalized irregular primes, and class number. Ann. Univ. Turku. Ser. A I 178, pp. 1–72.
  • D. Erricolo and G. Carluccio (2013) Algorithm 934: Fortran 90 subroutines to compute Mathieu functions for complex values of the parameter. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 40 (1), pp. 8:1–8:19.
  • D. Erricolo (2006) Algorithm 861: Fortran 90 subroutines for computing the expansion coefficients of Mathieu functions using Blanch’s algorithm. ACM Trans. Math. Software 32 (4), pp. 622–634.
  • T. Estermann (1959) On the representations of a number as a sum of three squares. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 9, pp. 575–594.
  • 5: 26.1 Special Notation
    ( m n ) binomial coefficient.
    B ( n ) Bell number.
    C ( n ) Catalan number.
    s ( n , k ) Stirling numbers of the first kind.
    Other notations for s ( n , k ) , the Stirling numbers of the first kind, include S n ( k ) (Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 24), Fort (1948)), S n k (Jordan (1939), Moser and Wyman (1958a)), ( n 1 k 1 ) B n k ( n ) (Milne-Thomson (1933)), ( 1 ) n k S 1 ( n 1 , n k ) (Carlitz (1960), Gould (1960)), ( 1 ) n k [ n k ] (Knuth (1992), Graham et al. (1994), Rosen et al. (2000)). Other notations for S ( n , k ) , the Stirling numbers of the second kind, include 𝒮 n ( k ) (Fort (1948)), 𝔖 n k (Jordan (1939)), σ n k (Moser and Wyman (1958b)), ( n k ) B n k ( k ) (Milne-Thomson (1933)), S 2 ( k , n k ) (Carlitz (1960), Gould (1960)), { n k } (Knuth (1992), Graham et al. (1994), Rosen et al. (2000)), and also an unconventional symbol in Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 24).
    6: 26.21 Tables
    §26.21 Tables
    Abramowitz and Stegun (1964, Chapter 24) tabulates binomial coefficients ( m n ) for m up to 50 and n up to 25; extends Table 26.4.1 to n = 10 ; tabulates Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds, s ( n , k ) and S ( n , k ) , for n up to 25 and k up to n ; tabulates partitions p ( n ) and partitions into distinct parts p ( 𝒟 , n ) for n up to 500. Andrews (1976) contains tables of the number of unrestricted partitions, partitions into odd parts, partitions into parts ± 2 ( mod 5 ) , partitions into parts ± 1 ( mod 5 ) , and unrestricted plane partitions up to 100. It also contains a table of Gaussian polynomials up to [ 12 6 ] q . Goldberg et al. (1976) contains tables of binomial coefficients to n = 100 and Stirling numbers to n = 40 .
    7: 24.15 Related Sequences of Numbers
    §24.15(i) Genocchi Numbers
    §24.15(ii) Tangent Numbers
    §24.15(iii) Stirling Numbers
    The Stirling numbers of the first kind s ( n , m ) , and the second kind S ( n , m ) , are as defined in §26.8(i). …
    §24.15(iv) Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers
    8: Bibliography L
  • T. M. Larsen, D. Erricolo, and P. L. E. Uslenghi (2009) New method to obtain small parameter power series expansions of Mathieu radial and angular functions. Math. Comp. 78 (265), pp. 255–274.
  • D. J. Leeming (1977) An asymptotic estimate for the Bernoulli and Euler numbers. Canad. Math. Bull. 20 (1), pp. 109–111.
  • D. H. Lehmer (1941) Guide to Tables in the Theory of Numbers. Bulletin of the National Research Council, No. 105, National Research Council, Washington, D.C..
  • D. N. Lehmer (1914) List of Prime Numbers from 1 to 10,006,721. Publ. No. 165, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C..
  • 9: 26.13 Permutations: Cycle Notation
    The Stirling cycle numbers of the first kind, denoted by [ n k ] , count the number of permutations of { 1 , 2 , , n } with exactly k cycles. They are related to Stirling numbers of the first kind by …See §26.8 for generating functions, recurrence relations, identities, and asymptotic approximations. … The derangement number, d ( n ) , is the number of elements of 𝔖 n with no fixed points: … A permutation is even or odd according to the parity of the number of transpositions. …
    10: 24.16 Generalizations
    §24.16 Generalizations
    Polynomials and Numbers of Integer Order
    Bernoulli Numbers of the Second Kind
    Degenerate Bernoulli Numbers
    Here s ( n , m ) again denotes the Stirling number of the first kind. …