equally-spaced nodes
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1: 3.4 Differentiation
§3.4(i) Equally-Spaced Nodes
… ►For formulas for derivatives with equally-spaced real nodes and based on Sinc approximations (§3.3(vi)), see Stenger (1993, §3.5). …2: 3.3 Interpolation
§3.3(i) Lagrange Interpolation
►The nodes or abscissas are real or complex; function values are . … ►§3.3(ii) Lagrange Interpolation with Equally-Spaced Nodes
… ►where the nodes () and function are real, … ►
3: 3.5 Quadrature
§3.5(v) Gauss Quadrature
… ►In adaptive algorithms the evaluation of the nodes and weights may cause difficulties, unless exact values are known. … ►The nodes and weights are known explicitly: … ►The complex Gauss nodes have positive real part for all . … ►Extensive tables of quadrature nodes and weights can be found in Krylov and Skoblya (1985). …4: 9.19 Approximations
Corless et al. (1992) describe a method of approximation based on subdividing into a triangular mesh, with values of , stored at the nodes. and are then computed from Taylor-series expansions centered at one of the nearest nodes. The Taylor coefficients are generated by recursion, starting from the stored values of , at the node. Similarly for , .
5: 18.38 Mathematical Applications
►If the nodes in a quadrature formula with a positive weight function are chosen to be the zeros of the th degree OP with the same weight function, and the interval of orthogonality is the same as the integration range, then the weights in the quadrature formula can be chosen in such a way that the formula is exact for all polynomials of degree not exceeding .
6: 18.39 Applications in the Physical Sciences
►Namely the th eigenfunction, listed in order of increasing eigenvalues, starting at , has precisely
nodes, as real zeros of wave-functions away from boundaries are often referred to.
…, , there might be 3 nodes, rather than Sturm’s 1.
…Thus the two missing quantum numbers corresponding to EOP’s of order and of the type III Hermite EOP’s are offset in the node counts by the fact that all excited state eigenfunctions also have two missing real zeros.
7: 1.13 Differential Equations
►For a regular Sturm-Liouville system, equations (1.13.26) and (1.13.29) have: (i) identical eigenvalues, ; (ii) the corresponding (real) eigenfunctions, and , have the same number of zeros, also called nodes, for as for ; (iii) the eigenfunctions also satisfy the same type of boundary conditions, un-mixed or periodic, for both forms at the corresponding boundary points.
8: 3.11 Approximation Techniques
►Given distinct points in the real interval , with ()(), on each subinterval , , a low-degree polynomial is defined with coefficients determined by, for example, values and of a function and its derivative at the nodes
and .