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1: 21.10 Methods of Computation
2: 4.14 Definitions and Periodicity
The functions sin z and cos z are entire. …
3: 10.2 Definitions
When ν = n ( ) , J ν ( z ) is entire in z . For fixed z ( 0 ) each branch of J ν ( z ) is entire in ν . … For fixed z ( 0 ) each branch of Y ν ( z ) is entire in ν . … For fixed z ( 0 ) each branch of H ν ( 1 ) ( z ) and H ν ( 2 ) ( z ) is entire in ν . …
4: 19.32 Conformal Map onto a Rectangle
As p proceeds along the entire real axis with the upper half-plane on the right, z describes the rectangle in the clockwise direction; hence z ( x 3 ) is negative imaginary. …
5: 7.2 Definitions
erf z , erfc z , and w ( z ) are entire functions of z , as is F ( z ) in the next subsection. … ( z ) , C ( z ) , and S ( z ) are entire functions of z , as are f ( z ) and g ( z ) in the next subsection. …
6: 18.24 Hahn Class: Asymptotic Approximations
When the parameters α and β are fixed and the ratio n / N = c is a constant in the interval (0,1), uniform asymptotic formulas (as n ) of the Hahn polynomials Q n ( z ; α , β , N ) can be found in Lin and Wong (2013) for z in three overlapping regions, which together cover the entire complex plane. …
7: 6.2 Definitions and Interrelations
It is entire. … Si ( z ) is an odd entire function. … Cin ( z ) is an even entire function. …
8: 1.9 Calculus of a Complex Variable
A function analytic at every point of is said to be entire. …
Liouville’s Theorem
Any bounded entire function is a constant. …
9: 2.10 Sums and Sequences
§2.10(iii) Asymptotic Expansions of Entire Functions
The asymptotic behavior of entire functions defined by Maclaurin series can be approached by converting the sum into a contour integral by use of the residue theorem and applying the methods of §§2.4 and 2.5. …
10: 5.2 Definitions
1 / Γ ( z ) is entire, with simple zeros at z = n . …